Chicago State University
Bid #IFB1826AD
Invitation for Bid: Secondary Athletics Insurance
Award Info Published Wednesday March 13, 2019
Awarded to:
Vendor: First Agency, an Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services Company, Kalamazoo, MI
Amount: An estimated $204,080
An estimated start date of 4/1/2019 through 7/31/2020
Number of unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 1
First Agency was the successful bidder. They were subsequently purchased by Arthur J. Gallagher. �the total number of vendors who responded (3); �the number of unsuccessful vendors who responded (1); �the name of each bidder or offeror who submitted a response; Dissinger Reed First Agency Gallagher Student Health �the bid amount of each bid or offer; First Agency: $248,330 Gallagher Student Health: $310,209 �for each vendor who submitted a response, including the awarded vendor: othe name or names of the certified Business Enterprise Program (BEP) firms identified in the vendor�s submitted utilization plan (see attached excel BEP Excel Format); othe amount and percentage of business proposed to be conducted by businesses owned by BEP vendors as reflected in each utilization plan (see attached excel BEP Excel Format); othe name or names of the certified Veteran Business Program (VBP) firms identified in the vendor�s submitted utilization plan (none); othe amount and percentage of business proposed to be conducted by businesses owned by VBP vendors as reflected in each utilization plan (none); othe total number of VBP vendors that submitted responses (none); and �the information recorded at the solicitation opening, including the bid amount (see Bid Tab)
The State Purchasing Officer for this procurement is now Nicole Krneta Rogers.
The University award process may be delayed up to thirty days as this award goes through a state approval process.
This notice has been modified
Published Tuesday October 23, 2018
Amendment 1 added to reinforce that Vendors must either meet the BEP goal stated in section 1.11, submit a BEP Utilization Plan showing a good faith effort for their failure to meet the goal, or be deemed non-responsive.
This notice has been modified
Published Monday October 15, 2018
Most recent Claims Data attached as revisedATTACHMENTAAA.
First published Thursday, October 11, 2018
Sealed bids will be accepted below until 3:00 PM, Wednesday November 7, 2018:
At the following address:
Cook Administration Building, Room 208
9501 South King Drive
Chicago, IL 60628-1598
Chicago State University is seeking bids for secondary athletic insurance. Vendors must either meet the BEP goal stated in section 1.11 of the solicitation, show a good faith effort for their failure to meet the goal, or be deemed non-responsive. Amendment to add latest claims data to IFB. RevisedATTACHMENTAAA contains the most recent claims data. Amendment to add addendum 1. Once again, vendors must either meet the BEP goal stated in section 1.11, submit a BEP Utilization Plan showing a good faith effort for their failure to meet the goal, or be deemed non-responsive.

For additional information, contact:
Eric Cotton
9501 S King Drive
ADM 129
IL, 60628
State Purchasing Officer - Nicole Krneta Rogers
The University reserves the right to accept or reject any and all responses or parts thereof. Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) eligibility number is required on all proposals, if applicable. This procurement may be contingent on Board of Trustees approval. There is a BEP goal for this procurement. See solicitation documentation for details. The contract(s) for this solicitation could exceed $50,000 annually.

This transaction is subject to the State Board of Elections registration and certification requirements of Public Act 095-0971.

The State of Illinois has a policy to encourage prospective vendors to hire qualified veterans, minorities, females, persons with disabilities and ex-offenders.


To obtain any of the following documents, please log into your Bulletin account.

Specification Documents

  • IFB1826ADAthleticAccidentMedicalInsurance.docx (156 KB)

Other Public Documents

  • AttachmentAANCAAInsuranceRequirement.pdf (92 KB)
  • AttachmentAferpa-hipaa-guidance.pdf (219 KB)
  • BEPExcelFormat.xlsx (9 KB)
  • IFB1826ITDSecondaryAthleticsInsuranceAddendum1.docx (11 KB)
  • RevisedATTACHMENTAAA.pdf (785 KB)

Public Opening Documents

  • BidTabIFB1826AD.xlsx (99 KB)

Waiver Document

  • BEPWaiverIFB1826AD.pdf (116 KB)
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