Illinois Math and Science Academy
Exemption #IMSA-LIBFIRST-IRC-031722

Announcement of an Exempt Purchase

Award Info Published Thursday March 17, 2022

Libraries FirstWilliams Bay, WI

  • Amount: An estimated $4,407
  • Terms: One-time transaction



1 total
0 BEP vendors
0 VBP vendors
0 Small businesses

BEP Info: # of responding vendors:1; Unsuccessful vendors who responded:0; Name of Bidder who submitted a response: Libraries First; Bid amount of each bid: $4406.33; Names of certified BEP vendors in submitted U-Plan: N/A; Amount/Percentage of business proposed to be conducted by business owners by BEP vendors as reflected in U-Plan: 0; Names of certified VBP firms identified in U-Plan: N/A; Amount/Percentage of business proposed to be conducted by businesses owned by VBP vendors in U-Plan: 0; Number of VBP vendors who responded:0.

The University award process may be delayed up to thirty days as this award goes through a state approval process.

First published Thursday, March 17, 2022
The University awarded a contract for Assorted Ebook titles for permanent use at IMSA li.
Assorted Ebook titles for permanent use at IMSA library.
This purchase is exempt from the usual selection processes of the Procurement Code because the procurement expenditure is for periodicals, books, subscriptions, database licenses, and other publications procured for use by a university library or academic department, except for expenditures related to procuring textbooks for student use or materials for resale or rental. (30 ILCS 500 / 1-13(b)(5)) Assorted Ebook titles for permanent use at IMSA library.

For instructions on how to obtain a comprehensive purchase description, disclosure or contract forms, contact:
Terry Michels
1500 Sullivan Rd
Aurora, IL 60506
Phone: (630) 907-5036
FAX: (630) 907-5030

The State of Illinois has a policy to encourage prospective vendors to hire qualified veterans, minorities, females, persons with disabilities and ex-offenders.


No documents are available for this notice.