Illinois State University
RFP #SR012919

Request for Proposal: Timekeeping and Scheduling Solution

Renewal Info
Published Wednesday December 14, 2022
Renewal entered into with:
Vendor: Data Management, Inc. dba TimeClock Plus
Amount: An estimated $335,000
Renewal: 1-3 of 7, 2/14/2023 through 2/13/2026
Pricing Changes: 
Service/Product Changes: 
Potential Future Renewals: $365,000
The University has taken into account 30 ILCS 575/8i of the BEP Act in conducting this renewal.

The University award process may be delayed up to thirty days as this award goes through a state approval process.

Award Info Published Thursday September 1, 2022

Data Management, Inc. dba TimeClock PlusSan Angelo, TX

  • Amount: An estimated $495,000
  • Terms: An estimated start date of 2/14/2020 through 2/13/2023
  • Renewals: 7 one-year
  • Potential Future Renewals: $700,000
  • Mind Your Manners Ltd,/The William Everett Group (subcontractor)
    BEP [20% / $0]

Unsuccessful respondents (4)



5 total

1 successful respondent

4 unsuccessful respondents

1 BEP vendors
0 VBP vendors
0 Small businesses

Buyer for this procurement: Stacy Brown, (309) 438-1946

Chief procurement officer for this procurement: John Donato

State purchasing officer for this procurement: Constance Ratliff

The award date is revised to reflect the actual term dates of the agreement which was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances relating to available resources.

This award corrects and replaces the award posted below on August 8, 2019.

The University award process may be delayed up to thirty days as this award goes through a state approval process.

Award Info Published Thursday August 8, 2019

Data Mangement, Inc, dba TimeClock PlusSan Angelo, TX

  • Amount: An estimated $495,000
  • Terms: An estimated start date of 9/1/2019 through 8/31/2022
  • Renewals: 7 one-year
  • Potential Future Renewals: $700,000

Unsuccessful respondents (4)

Buyer for this procurement: Stacy Brown, (309) 438-1946

Chief procurement officer for this procurement: Ben Bagby

State purchasing officer for this procurement: Constance Ratliff

The University award process may be delayed up to thirty days as this award goes through a state approval process.

This notice has been modified
Published Friday January 18, 2019
Addendum 1 including responses to questions has been posted as file:


This notice has been modified
Published Monday January 7, 2019
A reminder of State requirements has been posted as file:


See attached files:


This list represents Illinois State University's outreach efforts for this solicitation only. It is attached here for the convenience of potential bidders, not as an official or comprehensive list of BEP vendors that are capable of meeting the solicitation requirements. For the most current and official BEP resources, go to:
First published Friday, December 21, 2018
Sealed proposals will be accepted below until 2:00 PM, Tuesday January 29, 2019:
At the following address:
Purchasing Office
Illinois State University at Uptown Crossing
1220 Campus Box
100 South Fell Avenue, Suite D
Normal, IL 61790
Illinois State University is seeking an employee timekeeping and scheduling solution. The solution will provide timekeeping and scheduling for 2,700 hourly part-time and full-time employees in fifteen (or more) departments. The product must support a variety of employee types, including part-time, full-time, and union, and it must be able to handle various types of rules, including overtime, work schedules, shift swapping, maximum work hours, etc., which may differ from one department to another or from one employee type to another. Further, the product should allow for individuals to simultaneously hold multiple jobs in multiple departments. Approximately 270 managers/supervisors will access the solution to review and approve time, 30-50 of which will need to be logged in concurrently. Managers/supervisors will also use the solution to update clock-ins, clock-outs, work schedules, and run reports.

The solution will provide employees with the ability to clock in and clock out via timekeeping "punch" devices (using a variety of methods, such as card swipe, PIN, biometric, etc.). We expect to deploy 20 (or more) timekeeping devices throughout campus. Additional clock in and clock out options via a web-based interface and/or mobile app are also desired so long as controls are available in the product to allow supervisors/managers to restrict clock-ins and clock-outs (i.e. via IP address restrictions, geo-fencing, etc.).

Employees should be able to define periods of availability which can be used by managers/supervisors to create work schedules. Employees should also be able to swap shifts with other employees through a self-service interface. Additional functions of the product should include activity tracking, cost tracking, cost forecasting, decision support, and reporting.

The solution must natively support a bi-directional exchange of data with the University's PeopleSoft HCM environment. The timekeeping and scheduling solution may be on premise or hosted in the cloud, but it must meet all requirements set forth by the University's Information Security Office and state and federal law.

For instructions on how to obtain a comprehensive purchase description, disclosure or contract forms, contact:
Stacy Brown
Purchasing Office
Illinois State University at Uptown Crossing
1220 Campus Box
100 South Fell Avenue, Suite D
Normal, IL 61790-1220
Phone: (309) 438-1946
FAX: (309) 438-5555
State Purchasing Officer - Constance Ratliff

This transaction is subject to the State Board of Elections registration and certification requirements of Public Act 095-0971.

The State of Illinois has a policy to encourage prospective vendors to hire qualified veterans, minorities, females, persons with disabilities and ex-offenders.


To obtain any of the following documents, please log into your Bulletin account.

Specification Documents

  • SR012919_Addendum1.docx (56 KB)
  • SR012919_Appendices.xlsx (92 KB)
  • SR012919_DataSecurityAddendumGDPR.docx (53 KB)
  • SR012919_Timekeeping.docx (276 KB)
  • SR012919_Timekeeping_StateReminders.docx (23 KB)
  • SR012919_Timekeppking_BEPVendorList.xlsx (29 KB)

Public Opening Documents

  • SR012919_BidTab.pdf (125 KB)

Waiver Document

  • SR012919_Waiver.pdf (20 KB)
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