University of Illinois System
RFP #9DGS2011

Request for Proposal: Document Handling, Scanning, Indexing and Storage

Renewal Info
Published Monday, June 10, 2024
Renewal entered into with:
Vendor: HOV Services, Inc.
Amount: An estimated $245,000
Renewal: 2nd of 2, 7/1/2024 through 6/30/2026
Pricing Changes: 
5% pricing increase as allowed under the terms of the contract.
Service/Product Changes: 
Potential Future Renewals: None
The Chief Procurement Officer for this procurement is now Bridget McHatton.
The University has taken into account 30 ILCS 575/8i of the BEP Act in conducting this renewal.

The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.

Renewal Info
Published Friday, May 6, 2022
Renewal entered into with:
Vendor: HOV Services, Inc.
Amount: An estimated $245,000
Renewal: 1st of 2, 7/1/2022 through 6/30/2024
Pricing Changes: 
5% pricing increase as allowed under the terms of the contract.
Service/Product Changes: 
Potential Future Renewals: $245,000
The Chief Procurement Officer for this procurement is now John Donato.
The University has taken into account 30 ILCS 575/8i of the BEP Act in conducting this renewal.

The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.

Award Info Published Tuesday June 23, 2020

HOV Services, Inc.Rantoul, IL

  • Amount: An estimated $275,000
  • Terms: An estimated start date of 7/1/2020 through 6/30/2022
  • Renewals: 2 two-year
  • Potential Future Renewals: $595,000

Unsuccessful respondents (0)

Buyer for this procurement: Daniel Szajna, (217) 333-2650

Chief procurement officer for this procurement: Ben Bagby

State purchasing officer for this procurement: Geno Marchizza

Award amounts are estimated. Actual use will be based off of University need over the life of the award.

See Award Posting Information document attached for information required pursuant to Section 7 of the Business Enterprise Act 30 ILCS 575.

The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.

This notice has been modified
Published Thursday, April 23, 2020
Amendment 6 is being published to extend the due date for proposals and to update acceptance of proposals solely through the University's E-Bidding platform. Proposals are now due prior to May 5, 2020 at 3:00 PM Central Time. The document titled 9DGS2011Amendment6.pdf outlines these changes.

The document titled E-BiddingVendorInstructions.docx outlines how to submit an E-Bid through the Illinois Procurement Bulletin for Higher Education.

A tele-conference will be held May 5, 2020 at 3:00 PM to verbally announce the proposals received through the E-Bidding platform with University representatives. A written record of opening information will be published to this notice after completion of the opening. A recording of the call will be made for the procurement file. Respondents are not required to call-in to the tele-conference. Call-in information is:
Date: May 5, 2020
Time 3:00 PM Central Time
Phone Number: (217) 332-6338
Conference ID: 30757149#
This notice has been modified
Published Thursday, March 26, 2020
Amendment 5 is being published to extend the due date for proposals. Proposals are now due prior to April 28, 2020, at 3:00 PM Central Time. A document titled "9DGS2011Amendment5.pdf" has been attached to outline this change.

It is recommended that Respondents verify receipt of proposals delivered due to issues which may occur due to COVID-19.
This notice has been modified
Published Monday, March 16, 2020
Amendment 4 is being published to extend the due date for proposals. Proposals are now due prior to April 2, 2020, at 3:00 PM Central Time. A document titled "9DGS2011Amendment4.pdf" has been attached to outline this change.

It is recommended that Respondents verify receipt of proposals delivered due to issues which may occur due to COVID-19.
This notice has been modified
Published Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Amendment 3 is being published to extend the due date for proposals. Proposals are now due prior to March 17, 2020, at 3:00 PM Central Time. A document titled "9DGS2011Amendment3.pdf" has been attached to outline this change.
This notice has been modified
Published Wednesday, February 26, 2020
The following document has been added to, and is incorporated as part of, the University's solicitation:

9DGS2011Amendment2.PDF: This document contains 1) an update to the proposal due date, and 2) responses to additional questions posed by potential respondents to this solicitation. These modifications and responses may alter your response to the University's original request for proposal, so acknowledgement of this Amendment is required. Acknowledgment of this Amendment may be demonstrated by providing a copy of the signed Amendment in Packet 1 of your proposal.

Please note that the due date has been extended. Proposals are now due prior to March 10, 2020 at 3:00 PM.
This notice has been modified
Published Monday, February 24, 2020
The following documents have been added to, and are incorporated as part of, the University's solicitation:

9DGS2011Amendment1.PDF: This document contains 1) modifications to the solicitation document, 2) a modification to the pricing proposal spreadsheet, and 3) responses to questions posed by potential respondents to this solicitation. These modifications and responses may alter your response to the University's original request for proposal, so acknowledgement of this Amendment is required. Acknowledgment of this Amendment may be demonstrated by providing a copy of the signed Amendment in Packet 1 of your proposal.

9DGS2011BAAforHIPAACompliance.doc: The Awarded Respondent will be required to enter into a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with the University to protect personal health information. The University's sample BAA has been incorporated as part of this solicitation and Respondents should provide any exceptions to this agreement in Section 9.1 of their proposal.

The due date and time for responses to be received has not been changed.
First published Thursday, January 30, 2020
Sealed proposals will be accepted below until 3:00 PM, Tuesday, May 5, 2020:
At the following address:
System Purchasing and Support Services
Via Electronic Bidding ONLY
Champaign, IL 61820
via E-bidding
The University of Illinois System seeks written proposals from providers for document handling, scanning, indexing, and storage. This includes but is not limited to:
Invoice Handling: pick up invoice from the University's US Mail post office box daily and a centralized location at the Urbana-Champaign campus weekly; open mail received, prepare documents for scanning (de-stapling, de-tagging, etc.). Handling will also include receipt of e-mailed invoices to a shared e-mail inbox.
Document/Invoice Scanning: scan documents/invoices received into a legible format with potential Optical Character Recognition. Document/Invoice scanning must account for non-standard paper sizes and documents/invoices printed on both sides of a piece of paper.
Document/Invoice Indexing: index/key-punch select data fields from the documents/invoices presented. Invoice information will be transmitted daily as described in the solicitation with an option to upgrade the University's current transmission to a new invoice processing system.
Document/Invoice Storage: provide storage and archival services for documents/invoices received/scanned/indexed. The storage must include the ability to provide hard-copy invoices upon University's or authorized University's representative's request in a timely manner as required under the University's document retention policy. Provide destruction services (shredding) of documents/invoices no longer subject to retention.
The following files are attached to this notice:
  • 9DGS2011DocumentImagingRFP.docx: is the University's request for proposal (RFP) which outlines the University's requirements and how to submit a proposal.
  • 9DGS2011DocumentImagingPricingProposal.xlsx: is for pricing proposal submission.
  • 9DGS2011BEPForms.pdf: is the Business Enterprise Program Utilization Plan and Letter of Intent, see Section 1.11 of the RFP document for more details.
  • SampleUniversityofIllinoisContract.pdf: See Section 8 of the RFP document for more details.
  • FormA.docx and FormB.docx: See Section 11 of the RFP document for more details.
As described in Section 1.5 of the RFP, a pre-submission teleconference will be held Friday February 14, 2020 at 10:00 AM Central Time. Although it is not mandatory to attend, potential respondents are strongly recommended to attend. Please have a copy of the RFP available on the call. The University will review the RFP and highlight statutory requirements for submitting a proposal which can be evaluated. Call in information for the pre-submission teleconference is:
Teleconference Phone Number: (217) 332-6338
Teleconference Pass Code: 48932472#
As described in the solicitation, Section 1.4, questions must be received no later than February 24, 2020 at 5:00 PM Central Time. Questions received prior to February 12, 2020 at 5:00 PM Central Time will be responded to on the pre-submission teleconference. All questions should be submitted to Daniel Szajna (information provided below).

For instructions on how to obtain a comprehensive purchase description, disclosure or contract forms, contact:
Daniel Szajna
System Purchasing and Support Services
507 E Green Street
Suite 501, MC-407
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: (217) 333-2650
FAX: (217) 239-6760
Chief Procurement Officer - Ben Bagby
State Purchasing Officer - Geno Marchizza
Submit 1 original and 1 copies of the response as defined in the specifications.
The University reserves the right to accept or reject any and all responses or parts thereof.
Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) eligibility number is required on all proposals, if applicable.
There is a 2 percent BEP goal for this procurement. See solicitation documentation for details.
The contract(s) for this solicitation could exceed $50,000 annually.

This transaction is subject to the State Board of Elections registration and certification requirements of Public Act 095-0971.

The State of Illinois has a policy to encourage prospective vendors to hire qualified veterans, minorities, females, persons with disabilities and ex-offenders.


To obtain any of the following documents, please log into your Bulletin account.

Specification Documents

  • 9DGS2011Amendment1.pdf (223 KB)
  • 9DGS2011Amendment2.pdf (179 KB)
  • 9DGS2011Amendment3.pdf (168 KB)
  • 9DGS2011Amendment4.pdf (167 KB)
  • 9DGS2011Amendment5.pdf (167 KB)
  • 9DGS2011Amendment6.pdf (196 KB)
  • 9DGS2011BAAforHIPAACompliance.docx (68 KB)
  • 9DGS2011BEPForms.pdf (373 KB)
  • 9DGS2011DocumentImagingPricingProposal.xlsx (14 KB)
  • 9DGS2011DocumentImagingRFP.docx (130 KB)
  • ExhibitIIPOQueryXMLTechSpec.pdf (296 KB)
  • ExhibitIOCRInvoiceImportXMLTechSpec.pdf (611 KB)
  • FormA.docx (78 KB)
  • FormB.docx (33 KB)
  • SampleUniversityofIllinoisContract.pdf (9 MB)

Other Public Documents

  • 9DGS2011AwardPostingInformation.pdf (170 KB)
  • E-BiddingVendorInstructions.docx (679 KB)

Public Opening Documents

  • 9DGS2011OpeningSheet.pdf (392 KB)

Waiver Document

  • 9DGS2011BEPWaiver.pdf (1014 KB)
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E-bidding is closed for this notice.

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