University of Illinois at Chicago
Request for Proposal: Student Residence Halls- Laundry Services
Caldwell & Gregory, LLCManakin-Sabot, VA
- Amount: An estimated $1,526,175
- Terms: An estimated start date of 11/25/2022 through 11/24/2027
- Renewals: 2 two-year, then 1 one-year
Potential Future Renewals:
Unsuccessful respondents (2)
- Automatic Apartment Laundries, Inc.Torrance, CA
An estimated $1,713,600
- Smith Movers, Inc. (subcontractor)
- CSC Service WorksWheeling, IL
An estimated $0
3 total
1 successful respondent
2 unsuccessful respondents
0 BEP vendors
0 VBP vendors
0 Small businesses
Buyer for this procurement: Edwin Mattox, (312) 996-2054
Chief procurement officer for this procurement: John Donato
State purchasing officer for this procurement: Lee Saulter
The University award process may be delayed up to thirty days as this award goes through a state approval process.
Addendum 1 removes controllers and coin based verbiage (see attached).
First published Monday, July 18, 2022
Sealed proposals will be accepted below until 2:00 PM, Thursday August 18, 2022:
At the following address:
Purchasing Division (M/C 560)
809 South Marshfield Avenue
Chicago, IL 60612
via Electronic Bidding
The University is seeking Proposals to provide for the operation of on-site leasing of washing/drying machines for laundry services for students living in the residence halls. This contract shall be for a five (5) year initial term with two (2) additional twenty-four (24) month periods, and one (1) twelve (12) month renewal periods at the same terms and conditions, based on satisfactory performance, continuing need and the availability of funds.
For instructions on how to obtain a comprehensive purchase description, disclosure or contract forms, contact:
Chief Procurement Officer - John Donato
State Purchasing Officer - Lee Saulter
Submit 1 copies of the response as defined in the specifications.
The University reserves the right to accept or reject any and all responses or parts thereof.
Vendor may expect payment thirty to sixty days after receipt of invoice, unless otherwise stated in the bid documents.
This procurement may be contingent on Board of Trustees approval.
Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) eligibility number is required on all proposals, if applicable.
There is a 30 percent BEP goal for this procurement. See solicitation documentation for details.
The contract(s) for this solicitation could exceed $50,000 annually.
This transaction is subject to the State Board of Elections registration and certification requirements of Public Act 095-0971.
The State of Illinois has a policy to encourage prospective vendors to hire
qualified veterans, minorities, females, persons with disabilities and ex-offenders.