NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 135

Full Class List > 135: Bricks, Clay, Refractory Materials, Stone, and Tile Products

Code Description
135-05 Alabaster, Gypsum, etc.
135-08 Bricks, Common
135-09 Brick Facing
135-10 Bricks, Sewer
135-12 Cement, Mortar, Refractory
135-15 Clay, Kaolin and Ball
135-28 Bricks, Fire
135-36 Granite, Rough Dimension and Building
135-40 Grout, Sealer and Coloring, Tile
135-45 Marble, Building
135-46 Brick, Molding
135-47 Refractories, Castable
135-50 Stone, Building, Except Marble
135-52 Stone Products, Fabricated
135-54 Stucco
135-55 Ties and Anchors, Furnace
135-57 Tile, Field Stone, Including Borders and Medallions
135-59 Tile, Field Tile, Photo Imaged, Porcelain, Sculptured, Wall
135-60 Tile, Fire, Refractory
135-61 Tile, Fine Gemstone, Solid or Mosaic, Including Borders
135-64 Tile: Floor and Wall, Ceramic, Decorative, Glazed
135-66 Tile: Floor and Wall, Ceramic, Unglazed
135-74 Tile, Roof, Clay, Burnt Type (See 770-64 for Concrete Roofing Tile)
135-80 Tile-Set, For Ceramic Tiles
135-81 Tile, Metal
135-85 Tombstone, Stone Grave Markers, and Grave Liners
135-93 Recycled Tile: Ceramic, Decorative, Fire, Roof, Quarry, etc. (See 360-37 for Other Types)
135-94 Recycled Bricks, Refractories, Clay, Marble and Stone Products