NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 630

Full Class List > 630: Paint, Protective Coatings, Varnish, Wallpaper, and Related Products

Code Description
630-03 Additives and Miscellaneous Paint Ingredients: Driers, Fungicides, Latexes, Pigments, Surfactants, etc.
630-05 Bleach, Wood
630-06 Caulking Compounds, Bulk or Cartridge Type
630-09 Coatings, Masonry: Brick, Cinder Block, Concrete, Silicate Protective Coatings and Products
630-10 Coatings, Protective, Polyurethane, etc.
630-11 Coatings, Protective, High Performance, Polyureas and Polyaspartics
630-12 Coatings, Protective, Asphalt Based (Also See Class 770-26)
630-19 Coatings, Protective, Zinc-Rich, Cold Galvanizing Compound
630-21 Colors, Tinting: Oil, Mineral Silicate, or Universal Type and Lettering
630-22 Fillers and Sealers, Masonry: Block Fillers, Water Repellent Solutions, etc.
630-23 Fillers and Sealers, Wallboard
630-25 Fillers and Sealers, Metal
630-26 Fillers and Sealers, Wood: Paste, Plastic Wood, Sanding Sealers, etc.
630-27 Fillers and Sealers, Fiberglass
630-28 Fire-Retardant and Heat-Resistant Coatings, Not Aluminum Paint
630-33 Lacquer and Shellac, Clear and Colored
630-44 Mix, Paint Water
630-45 Paint and Varnish Removers, Including Painted Graffiti Remover, (See 485-16 for Other Types of Graffiti Removers)
630-47 Paint, Aluminum, Not Roof Coating
630-49 Paint, Automotive and Machinery
630-50 Paint, Deck and Floor
630-55 Paint, Freezer and Wet Surface
630-56 Paint, House and Trim
630-57 Paint, Miscellaneous: Blockout, Bronzing Liquid, Environmentally Safe, Epoxy, Fluorescent, License Plate, Oil Paste, Reflective, Tint Base, Tree Pruning, USDA Approved, etc.
630-59 Paint, Marine
630-61 Paint, Masonry, Including Silicate Paints
630-62 Paint, Rust Preventative
630-63 Paint, Sports Court Outdoor
630-64 Paint, Spray, Aerosol
630-65 Paint, Swimming Pool
630-66 Paints, Traffic
630-67 Paint Sticks, Annealing
630-72 Primers, Rust Inhibiting: Red Oxide, Zinc Chromate, etc.
630-75 Putty, Glazing, Metal and Wood Sash
630-76 Putty: Lacquer, Plumbers, Tape
630-79 Recycled Paints; Lacquers, Shellacs, Varnish, Primers, Coatings, Sealers
630-81 Samples, Paint Colors, Fan Decks and Liquid
630-82 Sealers and Primers, Paint
630-84 Stains and Varnishes
630-88 Textured Coatings, All Kinds
630-90 Thinners, Reducers: Alcohols, Aromatic Solvents, Esters, Ketones, Mineral Spirits, Turpentine, V M and P Naphtha, etc.
630-93 Wall Coverings, Fabric and Plastic; and Accessories, Including Recycled Types
630-95 Wallpaper, Paste, and Canvas, Including Paper Hanger Tools and Recycled Types
630-97 Wood Preservative and/or Water-Repellent Finishes