NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 715

Full Class List > 715: Publications, Audiovisual Materials, Books, Textbooks, Prepared Materials Only

Code Description
715-04 Audio and Video Books, Digital
715-05 Audio Cassettes, Tapes and Compact Disks, Prerecorded
715-09 Cook and Recipe Books
715-10 Books, Curriculum Guides, Directories, Magazines, Pamphlets, Periodicals, Publications, Reprints, etc.
715-12 Books, Reference, Including CD Versions: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, etc.
715-20 Catalog Cards, Library of Congress Type and other Types
715-30 Display, Exhibit, and Promotional Materials
715-33 Drawings and Diagrams: Dimensional, Technical, etc.
715-35 Electronic Publications: Directories, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, etc.
715-40 Filmstrips, Slides, Transparencies, etc., Prepared
715-45 Laboratory Books, Research and Related Materials, DNA, Genomic, etc.
715-46 Legal Books and Publications
715-47 Manuals: Parts, Personnel, Policy, Purchasing, Training, etc., (Not Otherwise Classified)
715-48 Medical Books and Publications
715-50 Microfilm, Microfiche, etc., Prepared
715-52 Journalistic Services, Includes Page Charges for Publications
715-55 Motion Pictures (See Class 475 for Medical Training Films)
715-60 Multimedia Sets, Prepared
715-80 Phonograph Records, Sound Tapes, etc., Prepared
715-82 Religious Publications and Books
715-83 Textbooks, Adult Education
715-84 Textbooks, Special Education
715-85 Textbooks, Pre-Kindergarten thru 5th Grade, Including Student and Teacher Editions
715-86 Textbooks, 6th thru 8th Grade, Including Student and Teacher Editions
715-87 Textbooks, 9th thru 12th Grade, Including Student and Teacher Editions
715-88 Textbooks, College Level, Including Student and Teacher Editions
715-89 Textbooks, Early Childhood
715-90 Video Cassettes, Disks, Tapes, etc., For Computer and TV, Prerecorded
715-95 Recycled Publications and Audio-Visual Materials