NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 830

Full Class List > 830: Tanks (Metal, Plastic, Wood, and Synthetic Materials): Mobile, Portable, Stationary, and Underground types

Code Description
830-04 Aluminum Tanks, All Kinds
830-10 Brass Tanks, All Kinds
830-13 Butane and Propane Tanks, Surface and Underground
830-16 Butane and Propane Tanks, Transport Truck Type
830-18 Calibrating Tanks
830-19 Cast Iron Tanks, All Kinds
830-22 Cement Lined Tanks
830-23 Cisterns and Parts, Fire
830-24 Collapsible Tank for Petroleum Spills
830-25 Copper Lined Tanks
830-26 Dip Tanks
830-27 Expansion Tanks
830-28 Fiberglass Lined Tanks
830-31 Fiberglass Tanks, Gasoline, Including Underground Type
830-32 Fiberglass Tanks, Other Than for Gasoline
830-33 Filters, Storage Tank
830-34 Galvanized Sheet Iron and Steel Tanks
830-37 Glass Lined Tanks
830-40 Lead Lined Tanks
830-41 Leak Detection and Vapor Monitoring Equipment
830-42 Plastic and PVC Tanks
830-43 Plastic Lined Tanks
830-44 Polyethylene Tanks
830-45 Processing Tanks
830-46 Stainless Steel Tanks, Pressure Type
830-47 Stainless Steel Tanks, Holding, Milk
830-49 Stainless Steel Tanks, Transport Truck Type, Chemicals, Milk, etc.
830-52 Stainless Steel Tanks: Mixing, Pickling, and Processing Types, Chemicals, Foods, Paints, Soaps, etc.
830-54 Steel Tanks, For Chemical Storage
830-55 Steel Tanks, Overhead Type: Diesel Fuel, Gasoline, Kerosene, etc.
830-58 Steel Tanks, Portable Type: Diesel Fuel, Gasoline, Kerosene, Liquid Fertilizers, Water, etc.
830-61 Steel Tanks, Pressure Type: Air, Gas, Water, etc.
830-64 Steel Tanks, Surface Storage Type: Asphalt, Emulsions, Road Oil, Water, etc.
830-67 Steel Tanks, Transport Truck Type: Asphalt, Gasoline, Oil, Water, etc.
830-69 Steel Tanks, Storage Type: Fuel, Gasoline, and Wetted Salt
830-70 Steel Tanks, Surface and Underground Type: Gasoline, Kerosene, etc.
830-73 Steel Tanks, Water Works Type, Elevated and Tower
830-77 Tank Packing Material
830-78 Tank Ends, Heads, Metal
830-79 Tanks and Cylinders (Not Otherwise Classified)
830-80 Wooden Tanks, All Kinds
830-95 Recycled Tanks, Accessories and Supplies