NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 832

Full Class List > 832: Tape (Not Data Processing, Measuring, Optical, Sewing, Sound, or Video)

Code Description
832-02 Tape, Anti-Seizing
832-03 Tape, Anti-Skid
832-04 Tape, Athletic
832-05 Tape, Automotive Type
832-10 Tape, Barrier, Including Cautionary and Crime Scene Tape
832-20 Tape, Cellulose: Drafting, Labeling, Magnetic, etc.
832-22 Tape, Cloth, Mending
832-23 Tape, Detectable Marking
832-24 Tape, Duct, Adhesive Type
832-26 Tape, Electrical
832-27 Tape, Epoxy
832-28 Tape, Filament
832-29 Tape, Glass Setting
832-30 Tape, Freezer or Freeze Protection
832-32 Tape, Gummed Kraft and Reinforced Paper
832-36 Tape, Insulating, All Types, Except Electrical
832-40 Tape, Insulating, Electrical
832-44 Tape, Labeling, Library Type
832-48 Tape, Marking, Reflective Adhesive-Backed (See 550-72 for Pavement Marking Tape)
832-52 Tape, Masking
832-54 Tape, Metal Repair
832-55 Tape (Not Otherwise Classified)
832-56 Tape, Nuclear Radiation
832-60 Tape, Nylon
832-62 Tape, Pipe Banding
832-63 Tape, Polypropylene
832-64 Tape, Roofing: Rubber, etc.
832-68 Tape, Sheetrock
832-69 Tape, Sign
832-72 Tape, Thread, Teflon
832-74 Tape, Vinyl
832-75 Tape, Wire and Cable Marking and Accessories
832-76 Tape, Wood, All Kinds
832-95 Recycled Tape