NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 913

Full Class List > 913: Construction Services, Heavy, including Maintenance and Repair Services

Code Description
913-10 Construction: Airport Roadway, Runway and Taxiway
913-13 Construction, Bridge and Drawbridge, Including Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
913-15 Construction, Canal or Aquaduct
913-16 Construction, Communication Equipment, Including Antenna Towers
913-19 Construction, Curb and Gutter, Including Maintenance, Repair, and Removal Services
913-23 Construction, Defense and Military Structure
913-27 Construction, Highway and Road
913-36 Construction, Parking Lot and Alley
913-38 Construction, Chilled Water Pipe Installation
913-39 Construction, Pipe Culvert
913-40 Construction, Pipeline, Including Aerial Crossings
913-41 Construction, Power Lines, Including Installation, Maintenance and Repair Services
913-44 Construction, Railroad
913-45 Construction, Sewer and Storm Drain
913-47 Construction, Sidewalk and Driveway, Including Pedestrian and Handicap Ramps
913-48 Construction, Special Foundation
913-50 Construction, Streets, Major and Residential, Including Reconstruction
913-55 Construction, Tunnel
913-56 Construction, Utility and Underground Projects
913-57 Construction, Vaulted Sidewalk
913-58 Construction, Viaduct (Includes Reconstruction)
913-59 Construction and Upgrades, Wastewater Treatment Plant
913-60 Construction, Water System, Plants, Main and Service Line
913-61 Construction, Vertical, Concrete, Pour-In-Place, Form, Place, Finish
913-62 Construction, Concrete, Pour-In-Place, Form, Place, Finish
913-63 Lime Slurry Removal Services
913-64 Maintenance and Repair: Airport Roadway, Runway and Taxiway
913-65 Maintenance, Repair, and Removal Services, Antenna Tower and other Communication Equipment
913-66 Maintenance and Repair, Bridges
913-67 Maintenance, Repair, and Operation of Drawbridges
913-68 Maintenance and Repair, Canal
913-69 Maintenance and Repair, Defense and Military Structure
913-71 Maintenance and Repair, Highway and Roads, Including Removal of Asphalt, Concrete, Bitumens, etc.
913-75 Maintenance and Repair, Parking Lot and Alley
913-77 Maintenance and Repair, Pipe Culvert
913-78 Maintenance and Repair, Pipeline, Including Removal and Relocation
913-81 Maintenance and Repair, Sewer and Storm Drain, Including Removal
913-82 Maintenance and Repair, Sidewalk and Driveway, Including Removal
913-84 Maintenance and Repair, Streets, Major and Residential
913-88 Maintenance and Repair, Tunnel
913-89 Maintenance and Repair, Utility and Underground Projects
913-90 Maintenance and Repair, Viaduct
913-91 Maintenance and Repair, Wastewater Treatment Plant
913-92 Maintenance and Repair, Water System, Main and Service Line
913-94 Paving and Resurfacing, Alley and Parking Lot
913-95 Paving and Resurfacing, Highway and Road
913-96 Paving and Resurfacing, Streets, Major and Residential