NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 925

Full Class List > 925: Engineering Services, Professional

Code Description
925-03 Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
925-04 Agricultural Engineering
925-07 Air Conditioning ,Heating and Ventilating Engineering
925-08 Airports, Lighting, Fueling, Navaids Engineering
925-11 Biomedical Engineering
925-13 Bridge Engineering
925-15 Chemical Processing and Storage Engineering
925-17 Civil Engineering
925-19 Concrete Engineering
925-20 Cold Storage, Refrigeration, Fast Freeze Engineering
925-21 Corrosion Control; Cathodic Protection; Electrolysis Engineering
925-22 Control Systems Engineering
925-23 Dam Engineering
925-24 Desalinization, Process and Facilities Engineering
925-28 Drainage Engineering
925-29 Electric Utility Protection and Control Engineering
925-30 Earthquake-Seismic Engineering
925-31 Electrical Engineering, Including Cogeneration Design Services
925-32 Electronic Engineering
925-34 Energy Management Engineering
925-35 Environmental Engineering
925-36 Engineering Services (Not Otherwise Classified)
925-37 Facilities Design Engineering
925-38 Field Engineering
925-39 Fire Protection Engineering
925-40 Fisheries; Fish Ladders Engineering
925-41 Forensic Engineering
925-42 Foundation Engineering
925-43 Gas Systems, Propane, Natural, etc. Engineering
925-44 General Construction: Management, Scheduling, Cost Estimation Engineering
925-45 Geological Engineering
925-46 Geotechnical Engineering
925-48 Harbors, Jetties. Piers, Docks, Marinas, Ship Terminal Facilities Engineering
925-49 Highways, Streets, Airport Pay-Parking Lots Engineering
925-50 Hydroelectric Engineering
925-51 Hazardous Waste Engineering Services, Including Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies for Waste Sites
925-53 Industrial Engineering
925-55 Inspecting, General Engineering
925-56 Inspecting, Structural Engineering
925-57 Instrumentation Engineering
925-58 Irrigation; Drainage; Flood Control Engineering
925-61 Land Development and Planning Engineering
925-65 Machine Design Engineering
925-66 Manufacturing Engineering
925-67 Mechanical Engineering
925-68 Metallurgical Engineering
925-69 Mining and Mineralogy Engineering
925-70 Municipal Engineering
925-72 Nuclear Engineering
925-73 Ocean Engineering
925-74 Petroleum and Fuel Storage and Distribution Engineering
925-77 Pollution Control Engineering
925-78 Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution Engineering
925-79 Railroad; Rapid Transit; Monorail Engineering
925-80 Rate Engineering
925-81 Roofing Engineering
925-83 Sanitary Engineering
925-84 Security Systems; Intruder and Smoke Detection Engineering
925-86 Surveyor Services, Land
925-87 Sewage Collection, Treatment, and Disposal Engineering
925-88 Structural Engineering
925-89 Telephone Systems Engineering
925-91 Video and Audio Design Engineering
925-92 Value Engineering and Value Analysis, Professional
925-93 Traffic and Transportation Engineering
925-94 Tunnels and Subways Engineering
925-95 Utilities, Gas, Steam, Electric Engineering
925-96 Waste Water Treatment Engineering
925-97 Water Supply, Treatment, and Distribution Engineering