Amendment Amount: $38,500
The new contract total is an estimated $240,500
Amount: An estimated $202,000
Section/Division: . (Unsuccessful, Responsive Respondents: 7)
See file: QBS021618_submittal_log for BEP Utilization Summary.
No funds appropriated by the General Assembly will be used for this project.
Illinois State University is seeking statements of qualifications from engineers to perform engineering design work to replace the air handling units and associated equipment at the Illinois State University Watterson Residential Towers. Watterson Residential Towers is comprised of two 28 story residence halls with twenty-five floors of student rooms. Other floor levels include management offices, activity spaces, laundry facilities, exercise facilities, and the entry lobby, comprising a total of nearly 550,000 gross square feet. The units scheduled for replacement is original to the building.
This proposed project is essential to the continuing planned maintenance of Illinois State University facilities and providing comfort to building residents and occupants. Project work will require coordination through Facilities Planning and Construction Management with Housing administration, other scheduled project work and with appropriate ISU maintenance staff.
The scope of HVAC engineered design work includes, but may not be limited to:
- Engage an Architecture/Engineering firm to design the replacement for six air handling units, four exhaust fans, and any necessary upgrades to infrastructure to support the project.
- Work includes all associated/affected piping, ductwork, pneumatic controls, and space heating.
- Design work will include power distribution to the affected equipment and fire protection.
- Project work is located in the penthouse at the top of the two towers, approximately 260' above grade, with limited access at grade level adjacent to the building for removal of existing equipment and installation of new equipment.
Purchasing Office
Illinois State University at Uptown Crossing
1220 Campus Box
100 South Fell Avenue, Suite D
Normal, IL 61790
For additional information, contact:
Purchasing Office
Illinois State University at Uptown Crossing
1220 Campus Box
100 South Fell Avenue, Suite D
Normal, IL 61790-1220
Phone: (309) 438-1946
FAX: (309) 438-5555
- Licensed to practice as an architect, landscape architect, or engineer in the State of Illinois.
- Registered and authorized to do business in the State of Illinois.
- Utilize an AutoCAD compatible system to provide documents.
- There is a BEP goal for this procurement. See solicitation documentation for details.
This transaction is subject to the State Board of Elections registration and certification requirements of Public Act 095-0971.
The State of Illinois has a policy to encourage prospective vendors to hire qualified veterans, minorities, females, persons with disabilities and ex-offenders.