Request for Professional Services Qualifications (QBS): Alumni Center Parking Lot Repairs Design
Amendment Amount: $0
The new estimated contract end date is 12/31/2021.
Award Info Published Monday November 19, 2018
Farnsworth Group, Inc.Normal, IL
- Amount: An estimated $35,000
- Section: . (unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 13)
- Terms: An estimated start date of 12/1/2018 through 12/31/2020
- Renewals: None
Unsuccessful respondents (13)
Buyer for this procurement: Corey Leslie, (309) 438-1946
State purchasing officer for this procurement: Ben Bagby
See file: QBS040618_submittal_log for BEP Utilization Summary.
No funds appropriated by the General Assembly will be used for this project.
The University award process may be delayed up to thirty days as this award goes through a state approval process.
Illinois State University is seeking professional engineering services in connection with the repair of the surface of the ISU Alumni Center parking lot at 1101 North Main.� This existing asphalt lot can accommodate approximately 250 vehicles and serves faculty, staff and students and visitors to the Center.
The University seeks the following program of services to be able to complete this project.
The scope of planning and design work includes, but may not be limited to:
- Full Civil Engineering existing condition site survey.
- Analysis to understand and evaluate the drainage needs and condition.
- Develop a plan for necessary removal/repair of existing surface.
- Develop a plan to provide sub-surface repairs to support new parking surface.
- Develop a water drainage plan including any necessary detain/retain systems for run-off.
- Prepare biddable Plans and Specifications for a new asphalt surface.
- Prepare biddable Plans and Specifications for any curb/entrance/sidewalk repairs.
- Provide construction cost estimates for identified work.
- Provide on-site construction staking during the construction process.
Firms interested in submitting their qualifications should have demonstrated knowledge and experience with parking lot repairs on a university campus.
Design firms interested in submitting their professional qualifications should have demonstrated knowledge and experience with parking lot design.� No project costs have been established for this project at this time.� The engineers and any necessary support consultants will be responsible for developing a complete total project budget for design and construction as their design progresses.
Purchasing Office
Illinois State University at Uptown Crossing
1220 Campus Box
100 South Fell Avenue, Suite D
Normal, IL 61790
For instructions on how to obtain a comprehensive purchase description, disclosure or contract forms, contact:
Purchasing Office
Illinois State University at Uptown Crossing
1220 Campus Box
100 South Fell Avenue, Suite D
Normal, IL 61790-1220
Phone: (309) 438-1946
FAX: (309) 438-5555
- Licensed to practice as an architect, landscape architect, or engineer in the State of Illinois.
- Registered and authorized to do business in the State of Illinois.
- Utilize an AutoCAD compatible system to provide documents.
This transaction is subject to the State Board of Elections registration and certification requirements of Public Act 095-0971.
The State of Illinois has a policy to encourage prospective vendors to hire qualified veterans, minorities, females, persons with disabilities and ex-offenders.