University of Illinois at Chicago
Exemption #JMG575
Announcement of an Exempt Purchase
Award Info Published Thursday July 12, 2018
Awarded to:
Vendor: Avedro, Incorporated, Waltham, MA
Amount: An estimated $500,000
An estimated start date of 7/12/2018 through 7/11/2021
The University award process may be delayed up to thirty days as this award goes through a state approval process.
First published Thursday, July 12, 2018
The University awarded a contract for treatment kits for corneal cross-linking.
Photrexa Viscous and Photrexa treatment kits for corneal cross-linking for the treatment of keratoconus (a non-inflammatory eye condition in which the cornea becomes thin and weak causing irregularity of the cornea). The procedure uses the KXL system and crates new corneal collagen cross-links that result in the stiffening of the cornea, halting the progression of the disease and possibly avoiding the need for corneal transplant. It is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that combines vitamin B2 drops and ultra-violet light.
This purchase is exempt from the usual selection processes of the Procurement Code because the procurement expenditure is for medical supplies or medical services necessary for the delivery of care and treatment at medical, dental, or veterinary teaching facilities utilized by SIU or U of I (30 ILCS 500 / 1-13(b-5)) The cross-linking procedure is a treatment option for progressive keratoconus patients of the University's Cornea Clinic. The treatment has shown to slow the progression of the disease and may reduce the need for more invasive treatment alternatives.

For additional information, contact:
Janielle Graham
809 S. Marshfield Ave.
3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60612
Phone: (312) 413-2816
FAX: (312) 996-3135

The State of Illinois has a policy to encourage prospective vendors to hire qualified veterans, minorities, females, persons with disabilities and ex-offenders.


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  • ExemptionJMG575Avedro.pdf (165 KB)
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