Request for Information: Real Property Lease
Award Info Published Friday June 18, 2021
Creative Thermal Solutions, Inc.Urbana, IL
- Amount: $1,545,729.70
- Address of Leased Space: 501 E. Pega Dr.
- Size of Leased Space: 5,360 SF
- Lease period: 8/1/2021 through 7/31/2026
- Duration: 5 years
- Renewals: 1 five-year
- Potential Future Renewals: $488,849.16
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
1 successful respondent
0 unsuccessful respondents
Buyer for this procurement: Amy McGinness, (217) 244-4483
Chief procurement officer for this procurement: John Donato
State purchasing officer for this procurement: John Knittle
The University award process may be delayed up to thirty days as this award goes through a state approval process.
Molly McMahon
UI Office of Capital Programs & Real Estate
506 S. Wright St., Suite 208
Urbana, IL 61801
The University wishes to lease specialized lab space located at Urbana-Champaign for a period of 5 years with options. This property will be used for Ctr for Hypersonics and Entry Systems St.
The University wishes to lease specialized lab space for a period of five (5) years commencing on August 1, 2021 with an option to renew the lease for an additional five-year term.
The rentable area shall be approximately 5,000 square feet of contiguous, ground-floor lab space with infrastructure and utilities necessary to operate a Plasmatron X ICP Facility in a secure accessible setting Champaign-Urbana within a geographic boundary of five (5) miles from the front doors of the University of Illinois Talbot Laboratory, 104 South Wright St., Urbana, Illinois.
See attached file for complete information.
For additional information, contact by email only
Molly McMahon
University of Illinois
Office of Capital Programs and Real Estate Services
506 S. Wright Street, Suite 208
Urbana, Illinois 61801
For instructions on how to obtain a comprehensive purchase description, disclosure or contract forms, contact:
208 Henry Administration Building
506 S. Wright Street, M/C 321
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: (217) 300-3156
FAX: (217) 244-0882
This transaction is subject to the State Board of Elections registration and certification requirements of Public Act 095-0971.
The State of Illinois has a policy to encourage prospective vendors to hire qualified veterans, minorities, females, persons with disabilities and ex-offenders.