- Bergulund ConstructionChicago, IL$7,599,662
- CCC Holdings, IncChicago, IL$7,436,270
- F. H. PaschenChicago, IL$8,813,000
- Grunloh Construction Co.Effingham, IL$8,105,000
- Plocher ConstructionHighland, IL$8,142,000
- The Bowa GroupChicago, IL$9,417,119
- Madison ConstructionOrland Park, IL$6,657,000
Invitation for Construction Bid: DIA - Baseball and Softball Training Centers
Change Order Amount: $166,772.72
This Change Order #CO057 in the amount of $166,772.72 replaces the Field Directive #012 in the amount of $166.772.72 published on May 5, 2022.
Field Directives are estimates only and CO’s are final costs that need to be captured on the Procurement Bulletin.
Change Order Amount: $166,772.72
This is Field Directive #012. The Field Directive provides additional netting and motors for additional batting cages for the baseball facility. The reason for the urgency is for netting design and installation to be completed as soon as possible to meet construction schedule.
Change Order Amount: $531,587.22
This Change Order, CO028 in the amount of $531,587.22 replaces the Field Directive #009 in the amount of $586,069.19 published on October 28, 2021.
Field Directives’s are estimates only and CO’s are final costs that need to be captured on the Procurement Bulletin.
Change Order Amount: $586,069.19
This is FIELD DIRECTIVE #009 to provide additional parking to supplement the seasonal parking required for the Baseball and Softball programs while the new training facilities and adjacent parking are in the construction phase. Usual field parking space nearby to the facilities will be too wet during the early spring seasons and much of it is already incorporated in the contractor laydown areas required for the two facilities.
Award Info Published Thursday February 18, 2021
Williams Brothers ConstructionPeoria Heights, IL
- Amount: $7,404,000
- Terms: One-time transaction
- Titan Industrie, Inc (subcontractor)BEP [17.8% / $1,318,000]
- Von Alst Operating LLC (subcontractor)BEP [4.15% / $307,010]
Unsuccessful respondents (7)
Davis-Houk Mechanical, Inc.Urbana, IL
- Amount: $284,240
- Terms: One-time transaction
- MLN Enterprise (subcontractor)BEP [20% / $56,848]
Unsuccessful respondents (2)
A& R Mechanical Contractors, Inc.Urbana, IL
- Amount: $1,128,370
- Terms: One-time transaction
- MLN Enterprises (subcontractor)BEP [20% / $225,700]
Unsuccessful respondents (2)
Davis-Houk Mechanical, Inc.Urbana, IL
- Amount: $209,000
- Terms: One-time transaction
- BPI Testing (subcontractor)BEP [1.8% / $3,760]
- Autumn Construction (subcontractor)BEP [18.2% / $38,040]
Unsuccessful respondents (3)
Remco ElectricChampaign, IL
- Amount: $1,685,050
- Terms: One-time transaction
- Agile Supply Company (subcontractor)BEP [19.85% / $334,500]
Unsuccessful respondents (4)
4 successful respondents
18 unsuccessful respondents
Buyer for this procurement: Amy McGinness, (217) 244-4483
Chief procurement officer for this procurement: John Donato
State purchasing officer for this procurement: John Knittle
The University award process may be delayed up to thirty days as this award goes through a state approval process.
ADDENDUM NO. 5 TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR U19046R DIA - Baseball & Softball Training Centers.
This Addendum forms a part of the contract and contract documents and modifies the original contract documents dated 10/29/20. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum in space provided on Bid Form.
Item 1 The construction phase has been extended thirty (30) days for Division 01 ? General Work contractors only. The Number of Calendar days is now 423 days from the Notice to Proceed date to Substantial Completion for Division 01 only.
Item 2 Bids for Contract Division 01 ? General Work will be received electronically up to the hour of 2:00 p.m. on 12/04/20 and will be opened electronically and publicly read on 12/04/20 at 2:30 pm.
See attached Addendum 5.
This Addendum forms a part of the contract and contract documents and modifies the original contract documents dated 10/29/20. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum in space provided on Bid Form.
See attached Addendum 4 for Amendments to Drawings and Specifications.
This Addendum forms a part of the contract and contract documents and modifies the original contract documents dated 10/29/20. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum in space provided on Bid Form.
See attached Addendum 3 for Clarifications, Amendments to Drawings, Volume 1 (Baseball), Amendments to the Drawings, Volume 2 (Softball), and Amendments to Specifications.
Item 1 The Owner will procure the infilled synthetic turf and its installation for both new buildings outside of the scope of this project. This scope is removed from the bidding documents. The bidding Contractor will still be responsible for subgrade, compaction, elevations, stone substrates, geotextile fabric, etc. below the turf. New drawing details and specifications are being included in this addendum to identify this change.
Amendments to the Drawings
Item 2 Volume #1, Sheet IPF101, Detail A - Infilled Synthetic Turf Profile: REPLACE with detail attached to this addendum.
Item 3 Volume #2, Sheet IPF101, Detail A - Infilled Synthetic Turf Profile: REPLACE with detail attached to this addendum.
Amendments to the Specifications
Item 4 Section 32 1824 - Synthetic Turf Playing Field Surfacing: REPLACE section in its entirety with revised section attached to this addendum.
See attached Addendum 2 for complete information.
This Addendum forms a part of the contract and contract documents and modifies the original contract documents dated 10/29/20. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum in writing to the Architect.
Item 1 Number of Calendar days for the construction phase is 393 from the Notice to Proceed date to Substantial Completion. New front end documents that contain this information are included in this addendum.
Item 2
Bids for Contract Divisions 02 - Plumbing Work, 03 - Heating Work, 04 - Ventilation Work, 05 - Electrical Work will be received electronically up to the hour of 2:00 p.m. on 11/24/20 and will be opened electronically and publicly read on 11/24/20 at 2:30 p.m. New front end documents that contain this information are included in this addendum.
Item 3
Bids for Contract Division 01 - General Work will be received electronically up to the hour of 2:00 p.m. on 12/01/20 and will be opened electronically and publicly read on 12/01/20 at 2:30 pm. New front end documents that contain this information are included in this addendum.
Amendments to the Specifications
Item 4 Replace front end documents in their entirety with the documents attached to this addendum.
See attached Addendum 1 for complete information.
The project consists of the construction of two separate buildings, housing indoor baseball and softball training facilities located adjacent to the existing Illinois Field baseball locker room clubhouse and Eichelberger Field softball locker room clubhouse respectively. Both facilities will contain space and volume for a complete collegiate sized infield with turf surfaces matching the outdoor fields' surfaces. Building features include an entry vestibule, new pitching and batting areas with retractable netting, restrooms, and storage space. Alternate bids are described in Section 01 2300.
This Project is located at Illinois Field 601 E. Kirby Ave., Champaign, IL / Eichelberger Field 1201 W. Florida Ave., Champaign, IL.
A MANDATORY pre-bid meeting will be held through Phone (312) 626-6799, Meeting ID 864 4547 0332, Password 1867 on 11/05/20 at 930 AM prevailing time. Representatives of the Owner and the Professional Services Consultant will be present to answer questions regarding the project and bidding procedures. All prospective bidders are REQUIRED to attend.
See attached file for complete details and electronic bidding information.
At the following addressvia Electronic Bid only
n/a, na n/a
At the following addressvia Electronic Bid only
n/a, na n/a
Alaina Davis adavis3@illinois.edu 1 217 244 5486
For instructions on how to obtain a comprehensive purchase description, disclosure or contract forms, contact:
- There is a 20 percent BEP goal for this procurement. See solicitation documentation for details.
- The contract(s) for this solicitation could exceed $50,000 annually.
This transaction is subject to the State Board of Elections registration and certification requirements of Public Act 095-0971.
The State of Illinois has a policy to encourage prospective vendors to hire qualified veterans, minorities, females, persons with disabilities and ex-offenders.