Request for Proposal: Energy Savings Performance Contracts-Phase 1
Change Order Amount: $113,166
This change order is for additional services provided: remote system monitoring and reporting, measurement and verification with savings reporting, and on-site visits.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Change Order Amount: $1,096,662.08
This CHANGE ORDER is to replace the remaining windows that were not originally part of the Project 5 Laboratory Facilities Phase II.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Friday December 21, 2018
Schneider Electric Buildings Americas, Inc.Homewood, IL
- Amount: $31,500,000
- Section: EPC Project (unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 0)
- Terms: One-time transaction
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
Buyer for this procurement: Denise Rowe, (217) 265-4525
State purchasing officer for this procurement: John Knittle
This award is for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Project 5 Laboratory Facilities Phase II which will result in an energy service agreement. This award will implement an energy conservation measure to reduce energy consumption at various laboratory buildings.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Change Order Amount: $468,163.86
This change order is for larger fans for a redundant systems in 2 buildings.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Change Order Amount: $740,733.50
This change order is to furnish and install new direct digital controls and actuators.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Friday July 15, 2016
Schneider Electric Buildings Americas, Inc.Homewood, IL
- Amount: An estimated $988,500
- Terms: One-time transaction
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
Buyer for this procurement: Mary White, (217) 244-8518
State purchasing officer for this procurement: John Knittle
Urbana-Champaign, Energy Performance Contract (EPC), Project 5, Phase 1. This award is for the 5th EPC project for the Urbana-Champaign campus. Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) selected and prequalified pursuant to the original award were reviewed and four ESCOs were solicited to provide proposals for this project. Review of the proposals indicates that Schneider Electric Buildings Americas, Inc. best met the University’s needs. This Energy Audit Agreement will be at no cost if an Energy Services Agreement (ESA) is awarded. If the phase 2 ESA is awarded, the costs are estimated to be $20M to $25M. If an ESA is not awarded, the cost of the energy audit is estimated to be $988,500.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Tuesday July 5, 2016
Noresco, LLCDes Plaines, IL
- Amount: An estimated $2,122,832
- Terms: One-time transaction
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
Buyer for this procurement: Mary White, (217) 244-8518
State purchasing officer for this procurement: John Knittle
This award is for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Project 4, Abbott Power Plant Intake Cooler, Phase II, which will result in an energy service agreement. This award will implement an energy conservation measure to reduce energy consumption at the Abbott Power Plant.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Tuesday October 20, 2015
Noresco, LLCDes Plaines, IL
- Amount: An estimated $196,000
- Terms: One-time transaction
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
Buyer for this procurement: Mary White, (217) 244-8518
State purchasing officer for this procurement: John Knittle
Urbana-Champaign Energy Performance Contract (EPC) Project 4, Phase 1 – This award is for the 4th EPC Project for the Urbana-Champaign campus. Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) selected and prequalified pursuant to the original award were reviewed and three ESCOs were solicited to provide proposals for this project. Review of the proposals indicates that Noresco, LLC best met the University’s needs. This Energy Audit Agreement will be at no cost if an Energy Services Agreement (ESA) is awarded. If the Phase 2 ESA is awarded the costs are estimated to be $2,000,000.00. If an ESA is not awarded, the cost of the energy audit is estimated to be $196,000.00.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Monday August 31, 2015
Energy Systems Group, LLCNewburgh, IN
- Amount: An estimated $40,570,000
- Terms: One-time transaction
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
Buyer for this procurement: Mary White, (217) 244-8518
State purchasing officer for this procurement: John Knittle
This award is for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Project 3, College of Engineering Buildings, Phase II, which will result in an energy service agreement. This award will implement energy conservation measures to reduce energy consumption at various College of Engineering Buildings.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Thursday July 31, 2014
Energy Systems Group, LLCNewburgh, IN
- Amount: An estimated $1,400,000
- Terms: One-time transaction
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
Buyer for this procurement: Mary White, (217) 244-8518
State purchasing officer for this procurement: John Knittle
Urbana-Champaign Energy Performance Contract (EPC) Project 3, Phase 1 – This award is for the 3rd EPC Project for the Urbana-Champaign campus involving College of Engineering buildings located on the Urbana-Champaign campus. Energy Services Companies (ESCO’s) selected and prequalified pursuant to the original award were reviewed and four ESCOs were solicited to provide proposals for this project. Review of the proposals indicates that Energy Systems Group, LLC best met the University’s needs. This Energy Audit Agreement will be at no cost if an Energy Services Agreement (ESA) is awarded. If the Phase 2 ESA is awarded the costs are estimated to be $40,000,000.00. If an ESA is not awarded, the cost of the energy audit is estimated to be $1,400,000.00.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Thursday August 1, 2013
Ameresco, Inc.Chicago, IL
- Amount: An estimated $63,700,000
- Terms: One-time transaction
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
Buyer for this procurement: Mary White, (217) 244-8518
State purchasing officer for this procurement: John Knittle
This award is for the University of Illinois Chicago, Project 1, Science and Engineering buildings complex, Phase 2, which will result in an energy service agreement. This award will implement energy conservation measures to reduce energy consumption at the entire complex.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Tuesday December 4, 2012
Honeywell International, Inc.Morristown, NJ
- Amount: $13,402
- Terms: One-time transaction
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
Buyer for this procurement: Mary White, (217) 244-8518
State purchasing officer for this procurement: John Knittle
Rockford Energy Performance Contract (EPC) Project 1, phase 1 – This award is for the 1st EPC Project for the Rockford campus involving buildings located on the Rockford campus. Energy Services Companies (ESCO’s) selected and prequalified pursuant to the original award were reviewed and three ESCO’s were solicited to provide proposals for this project. Review of the proposals indicates that Honeywell International, Inc. best met the University’s needs. This Energy Audit Agreement will be at no cost if an Energy Services Agreement (ESA) is awarded. If the Phase 2 ESA is awarded the costs are estimated to be $5,000,000.00. If an ESA is not awarded, the cost of the energy audit is estimated to be $13,402.00.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Monday March 19, 2012
Ameresco, Inc.Chicago, IL
- Amount: $146,618
- Terms: One-time transaction
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
Buyer for this procurement: Mary White, (217) 244-8518
UIC Energy Performance Contract (EPC) Project 1, Phase I – This award is for the 1st EPC project for the Chicago campus involving the east side Science and Engineering buildings and associated utility buildings. Energy Services Companies (ESCO’s) selected and prequalified pursuant to the original award were reviewed and three ESCO’s were solicited to provide proposals for this project. Review of the proposals indicates that Ameresco, Inc. best met the University’s needs. This Energy Audit Agreement will be at no cost if an Energy Services Agreement (ESA) is awarded. If the Phase 2 ESA is awarded, the costs are estimated to be $35,000,000 to $45,000,000. If an ESA is not awarded, the cost of the energy audit is estimated to be $146,618.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Friday December 23, 2011
Siemens Industry, Inc.Mount Prospect, IL
- Amount: An estimated $11,000,000
- Terms: One-time transaction
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
Buyer for this procurement: Mary White, (217) 244-8518
This award is for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Project 2, Oak Street Chiller Plant, Phase II, which will result in an energy service agreement. This award will implement energy conservation measures to reduce energy consumption at the Oak Street Chiller Plant.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Wednesday August 10, 2011
Siemens Industry, Inc.Mount Prospect, IL
- Amount: $99,000
- Terms: One-time transaction
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
Buyer for this procurement: Mary White, (217) 244-8518
UIUC Energy Performance Contract (EPC) Project 2, Phase I – This award is for the 2nd EPC project for the Urbana-Champaign campus this time involving the Oak Street Chiller Plant. Energy Services Companies (ESCO’s) selected and prequalified pursuant to the original award were reviewed and three (3) ESCO’s were solicited to provide proposals for this project. Review of the proposals indicates that Siemens Industry, Inc. best met the University’s needs. This Energy Audit Agreement will be at no cost if an Energy Services Agreement (ESA) is awarded. If the Phase 2 ESA is awarded, the costs are estimated to be $5,000,000. If an ESA is not awarded, the cost of the energy audit is estimated to be $99,000.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Friday November 19, 2010
Energy Systems Group (ESG) LLCItasca, IL
- Amount: An estimated $21,900,000
- Terms: One-time transaction
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
Buyer for this procurement: Mary White, (217) 244-8518
This award is for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Project 1, Veterinary Medicine complex, Phase II, which will result in an energy service agreement. This award will implement energy conservation measures to reduce energy consumption at the entire complex.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Friday March 12, 2010
Energy Systems Group (ESG) LLCItasca, IL
- Amount: $49,300
- Terms: An estimated start date of 3/15/2010 through 3/14/2020
- Renewals: None
Unsuccessful respondents (0)
Buyer for this procurement: Mary White, (217) 244-8518
UIUC Project 1, Phase 1–On 3/12/10, 8 ESCOs were awarded. This award is the 1st project of the 1st phase for Urbana-Champaign campus for Veterinary Medicine. The qualifications and experience were reviewed for the uniqueness of this project and ESG best meets the University’s needs. The Audit will be at no cost if the ESA is awarded. If Ph2 (ESA) is awarded, the costs are estimated to be $7M-$19M. If Ph2 is not awarded, the cost of the energy audit is estimated to be $49,300.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award Info Published Friday March 12, 2010
Ameresco, Inc.Oak Brook, IL
- Amount: $0
- Terms: An estimated start date of 3/15/2010 through 3/14/2020
- Renewals: None
Chevron Energy SolutionsOak Brook, IL
- Amount: $0
- Terms: An estimated start date of 3/15/2010 through 3/14/2020
- Renewals: None
Energy Systems Group (ESG), LLCItasca, IL
- Amount: $0
- Terms: An estimated start date of 3/15/2010 through 3/14/2020
- Renewals: None
Johnson Controls, Inc.Arlington Heights, IL
- Amount: $0
- Terms: An estimated start date of 3/15/2010 through 3/14/2020
- Renewals: None
Honeywell International, Inc.Indianapolis, IN
- Amount: $0
- Terms: An estimated start date of 3/15/2010 through 3/14/2020
- Renewals: None
Noresco, LLCDes Plaines, IL
- Amount: $0
- Terms: An estimated start date of 3/15/2010 through 3/14/2020
- Renewals: None
Schneider Electric Building Americas, Inc.Chicago, IL
- Amount: $0
- Terms: An estimated start date of 3/15/2010 through 3/14/2020
- Renewals: None
Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.Mount Prospect, IL
- Amount: $0
- Terms: An estimated start date of 3/15/2010 through 3/14/2020
- Renewals: None
Unsuccessful respondents (4)
Buyer for this procurement: Mary White, (217) 244-8518
This is a multi-campus/multi-project award. Each project consists of 2 phases: energy audit of specific building(s); and potential subsequent Energy Service Agreement (ESA) to design/implement energy conservation measures. Phase I is no cost if an ESA is awarded. If the ESA is not awarded, the cost of the energy audit will be a not-to-exceed agreed price. A semi-annual review thru the award term to determine the status of current projects and potential future efforts is expected.
The University award process may be delayed as this award goes through a state approval process.
807 S. Wright, Suite 340
Attn: Mike Bass
Champaign, IL 61820
For instructions on how to obtain a comprehensive purchase description, disclosure or contract forms, contact:
807 S. Wright, Suite 340
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: (217) 244-8518
FAX: (217) 244-0882
The University reserves the right to accept or reject any and all responses or parts thereof.
Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) eligibility number is required on all proposals, if applicable.
This transaction is subject to the State Board of Elections registration and certification requirements of Public Act 095-0971.
The State of Illinois has a policy to encourage prospective vendors to hire qualified veterans, minorities, females, persons with disabilities and ex-offenders.