Western Illinois University
Bid #R025455
Invitation for Construction Bid: Thompson Hall Recladding
Change Order
Published Monday June 10, 2013
Contractor: Quick Electrical Contractors, Inc.
Change Order Amount: $28,962.77
Provide for cable protection below 3rd floor, repair damaged coax cable, and to provide electrical wiring to new ductless split units in the 4 apartments so they can be cooled in the summer when the chiller is not operating. Previously the rooms were cooled by window units but this is now not possible due to the new curtain wall system.
Change Order Amount: $28,962.77
Provide for cable protection below 3rd floor, repair damaged coax cable, and to provide electrical wiring to new ductless split units in the 4 apartments so they can be cooled in the summer when the chiller is not operating. Previously the rooms were cooled by window units but this is now not possible due to the new curtain wall system.
The buyer for this procurement is now Bonnie
Helms, (309) 298-1819.
The University award process may be delayed up to thirty days as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award InfoPublished Monday July 23, 2012
Awarded to:
Contractor: Frank Millard & Company, Inc, Burlington, IA
Amount: An estimated $515,000
Division of Work: Ventilation (unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 1)
Number of unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 1Amount: An estimated $515,000
Division of Work: Ventilation (unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 1)
An estimated start date of 8/1/2012 through 9/30/2013
Du-Mont Company withdrew their bid. Awarding to next low bidder, Frank Millard & Company, Inc. This award corrects and replaces the ventilation award only posted below on June 11, 2012. All other awards remain the same.
The State Purchasing Officer for this procurement is now Tom Sestak.
The University award process may be delayed up to thirty days as this award goes through a state approval process.
Award InfoPublished Monday June 11, 2012
Awarded to:
Contractor: James McHugh Construction Co., Chicago, IL
Amount: An estimated $17,105,750
Division of Work: General (unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 1)
Amount: An estimated $17,105,750
Division of Work: General (unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 1)
An estimated start date of 7/6/2012 through 9/30/2013
Contractor: Ryan & Associates, Inc., Davenport, IA
Amount: An estimated $5,056,500
Division of Work: Heating (unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 0)
Amount: An estimated $5,056,500
Division of Work: Heating (unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 0)
An estimated start date of 7/6/2012 through 9/30/2013
Contractor: Du-Mont Company, Peoria, IL
Amount: An estimated $319,300
Division of Work: Ventilation (unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 2)
Amount: An estimated $319,300
Division of Work: Ventilation (unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 2)
An estimated start date of 7/6/2012 through 9/30/2013
Contractor: Quick Electrical Contractors, Inc., Fairview, IL
Amount: An estimated $325,800
Division of Work: Electrical (unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 2)
Number of unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 5Amount: An estimated $325,800
Division of Work: Electrical (unsuccessful, responsive bidders: 2)
An estimated start date of 7/6/2012 through 9/30/2013
All base bids were accepted along with alternates 1, 3, 4, 6, and 10.
State Purchasing Officer - Tom Sestak
State Purchasing Officer - Tom Sestak
The University award process may be delayed up to thirty days as this award goes through a state approval process.
This notice has been modified
Published Tuesday May 15, 2012
Bid Opening dates have been changed to Thursday May 17, 2012 at 2 pm for subcontractor and Friday May 18, 2012 at 2 pm for General Contractors.
This notice has been modified
Published Wednesday April 25, 2012
The bid opening dates have been extended. Bids for Subcontractors (heating, ventilation, and electrical) are due May 15, 2012 at 2:00 pm local time. Bids for General Contractors are due May 16, 2012 at 2:00 pm local time.
First published Thursday, April 12, 2012
Project Description
This project consists of removing and recladding Thompson Hall, a residence hall on the campus of Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL. The recladding will consist of approximately 124,000 sq. ft. of unitized curtain wall with approximately 30,000 sq. ft. of composite metal panel cladding. In addition to the recladding work, the HVAC piping in the vertical chases will be removed and replaced along with the chase walls. The finishes include painting the residence hall room walls and ceiling along with the installation of new carpeting.
This project consists of removing and recladding Thompson Hall, a residence hall on the campus of Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL. The recladding will consist of approximately 124,000 sq. ft. of unitized curtain wall with approximately 30,000 sq. ft. of composite metal panel cladding. In addition to the recladding work, the HVAC piping in the vertical chases will be removed and replaced along with the chase walls. The finishes include painting the residence hall room walls and ceiling along with the installation of new carpeting.
General Contractor
Sealed bids will be accepted at the address below until 2:00 PM, Friday, May 18, 2012:
227 Sherman Hall
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455
Sealed bids will be accepted at the address below until 2:00 PM, Thursday, May 17, 2012:
227 Sherman Hall
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455
A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 1:15 pm local time at WIU's Grigsby Physical Plant large training room, Macomb, IL. A site visit will be held immediately following the meeting.
Any award will be subject to the Responsible Bidder provisions of the Illinois Procurement Code, including, but not limited to payment of prevailing wage, utilizing equal employment opportunity hiring practices in connection with the project, and participating in applicable apprenticeship programs. Bids that do not include a current Board of Elections registration form will be rejected.
This project will require WIU Board of Trustees approval at the June 8, 2012 meeting.
For additional information, contact:
Lora Lidaywa
Western Illinois University
Sherman Hall 227
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455
Phone: (309) 298-1819
FAX: (309) 298-1927
Western Illinois University
Sherman Hall 227
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455
Phone: (309) 298-1819
FAX: (309) 298-1927
All responses must include:
- Sealed envelopes containing the bids have the bid number and project title on the envelope.
This transaction is subject to the State Board of Elections registration and certification requirements of Public Act 095-0971.
The State of Illinois has a policy to encourage prospective vendors to hire qualified veterans, minorities, females, persons with disabilities and ex-offenders.