NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 031

Full Class List > 031: Air Conditioning, Heating, and Ventilating Equipment, Parts and Accessories

Code Description
031-02 Air Conditioning Units, Portable or Room AC Units, Computer Rooms, Hospital Rooms, Sporting Events, etc.
031-03 Air Conditioners Systems, Commercial and Industrial, Including Parts and Accessories, (Not Otherwise Classified)
031-04 Air Conditioners: Controlled Environment, Computer Rooms, etc., Including Parts and Accessories, (Not Otherwise Classified)
031-05 Air Conditioning and Heating Systems, Window and Wall Mounted, Ductless, Including Parts and Accessories, (Not Otherwise Classified)
031-06 Air Conditioning and Heating Central Air Systems, Including Parts and Accessories, (Not Otherwise Classified)
031-07 Air Circulation Equipment (Not Otherwise Classified)
031-08 Air Curtains
031-09 Air Flow Meters
031-10 Air Purifiers, Accessories and Supplies
031-11 Blowers, Industrial Types
031-13 Chillers, Heat Exchangers and Receivers
031-14 Chilled Water System, Portable
031-15 Chilled Water Meter System
031-16 Coatings and Sealants, Duct
031-17 Coils, Chilled or Heated Water, and Direct Expansion
031-18 Coil and Fan Units, Air Conditioning
031-20 Compressors, Air Conditioning, Window Unit Type Including Parts and Accessories
031-21 Compressors, Air Conditioning, Industrial Type, and Parts
031-23 Condensing Units (For Air Conditioners)
031-24 Controls, Cooling Tower Water Treatment: pH, Conductivity, Corrosion Sensors
031-25 Controls, Limit Switches, Relays, Thermostats, Gas Valves, etc.
031-26 Control Systems: Complete, Automatic Temperature Control
031-27 Cooling Tower Water Treatment: Non-chemical Ozone, Centrifugal Separators, Magnetic Descaling Equip. (See Class 885 for Chemical Types)
031-28 Cooling Towers, Forced Air, Gravity, etc.
031-29 Dampers, Motorized
031-30 Dehumidifiers and Humidifiers
031-31 Duct Cleaning Equipment, Air
031-32 Duct, Prefabricated, Flexible or Rigid: Glass Fiber, Plastic, etc.
031-33 Duct, Fabricated, Metal
031-34 Dust Collectors, Industrial Type
031-36 Electronic Air Cleaners, Electrostatic Precipitators, Ozonators, Including Parts and Accessories
031-38 Evaporative Coolers
031-40 Fans, Industrial Types: Attic, Exhaust, Forced Draft, etc., Including Fan Blades and Fan Parts
031-41 Fans, Room Type: Ceiling and Portable Type, Stationary and Oscillating
031-43 Filter Coating, Adhesive, Coil Cleaners, Degreasing Solvents, etc.
031-44 Filters, Air Conditioning and Furnace, Permanent Type
031-45 Filters, Air Conditioning and Furnace, Disposable Type
031-46 Filters and Filter Media, Evaporative Cooler
031-49 Filter Frames, Metal
031-50 Freon
031-51 Furnaces, Central Heating Type, Forced Air, Gas Fired
031-53 Grilles, Diffusers, Registers, etc.
031-55 Hand Tools, HVAC Maintenance, Testing, Recording, Detection, etc.
031-56 Heat Pumps
031-58 Heaters, Electric, Baseboard, Panel or Wall Type, Including Parts and Accessories
031-59 Heaters, Electric, Portable, Including Parts and Accessories
031-60 Heaters, Gas-Fired: Space, All Types, Including Parts and Accessories
031-61 Heaters, Gas-Fired: Wall Type, Vented and Unvented, Including Parts and Accessories
031-62 Heaters, Kerosene or Oil Fired: Space Type, Vented and Unvented, Including Parts and Accessories
031-63 Heaters, Space, Steam
031-65 Heating Elements, Electric
031-66 Hydronic Specialties
031-67 HVAC Equipment, Accessories and Supplies (Not Otherwise Classified)
031-69 Odor Control Equipment, Room or Portable Type, Including Parts and Accessories
031-70 Odor Control Equipment, Duct Air, Including Ozone Type
031-72 Pumps, Descaling Acid
031-73 Pumps, Refrigerant Circulating
031-74 Pumps, Refrigerant Vacuum
031-75 Radiators, Heating
031-76 Refurbished HVAC Products, Including Parts and Accessories
031-78 Roof Ventilators, Power Driven, Including Refurbished Types
031-79 Roof Ventilators, Wind Driven, Including Refurbished Types
031-80 Solar Heating Units
031-82 Stoves, Wood or Coal
031-89 Thermometers and Gauges, AC and Heating
031-91 Unit Heaters, Electric, Duct and Suspended Types
031-92 Unit Heaters, Gas-Fired, Duct and Suspended Types
031-93 Unit Heaters, Gas-Fire, Radiant and Infrared, Portable and Stationary
031-94 Unit Heaters, Steam and Hot Water Types
031-95 Ventilation Equipment and Systems (See 031-78, 79 for Roof Ventilators)
031-96 Vent Pipes, Fittings, and Accessories
031-97 Vacuum System, Central, Including Filters, Parts and Accessories