NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 035

Full Class List > 035: Aircraft and Airport Equipment, Parts, and Supplies

Code Description
035-02 Air Conditioning Units, Aircraft, Cooling Interiors While at the Gate
035-03 Aeronautical Charts and Maps
035-04 Aircraft Avionics, (Not Otherwise Classified): Navigation Instruments, Transponders, Global Positioning Systems, etc.
035-05 Aircraft Crash Locators, Including Parts and Accessories
035-06 Aircraft Accessories (Not Otherwise Classified)
035-07 Aircraft Fuselage and Components
035-08 Aircraft Fenders
035-09 Aircraft Communications Radio
035-10 Aircraft Navigation Radio
035-11 Aircraft Master Control Systems, Computer, etc.
035-15 Aircraft Radar
035-16 Aircraft, Remotely Operated: Surveillance, Search and Rescue
035-20 Airplanes
035-21 Airships
035-22 Airport Equipment (Not Otherwise Classified)
035-23 Airport Equipment Ground Power for Aircraft at the Gates
035-25 Automatic Pilot Systems
035-26 Baggage Handling Equipment, Including Parts and Accessories
035-27 Beacons, Visual and Runway Lights
035-28 Cameras and Accessories, Aerial Photograph
035-29 Drop Equipment and Supplies, Aerial
035-30 Engines and Parts, Airplane
035-31 Encryption/Decryption Systems, Aircraft
035-32 Ejection or Escape Systems, Aircraft
035-35 Engines and Parts, Helicopter
035-37 Engine Instruments: Fuel, Manifold and Oil Pressure, Oil Temperature, Tachometers, etc.
035-40 Equipment and Supplies, Airplane (Not Otherwise Classified)
035-44 Fire Control Systems, Aircraft
035-45 Equipment and Supplies, Navigation, Helicopter (Not Otherwise Classified)
035-46 Flight Instruments: Airspeed, Altimeters, Attitude and Turn and Bank Indicators, etc.
035-47 Flight Simulator
035-48 Gliders
035-49 Hydraulic Systems, Aircraft
035-50 Helicopters
035-52 Hot Air Balloons
035-54 Information Display Systems, Flight (F.I.D.S. - Airport)
035-55 Instrument Landing Systems
035-60 Instruments and Testers, Airplane
035-65 Instruments and Testers, Helicopter
035-66 Landing and Braking Systems and Components, Aircraft
035-67 Lights: Anti-Collision, Landing, Navigations, etc.
035-68 Metal Crack Detection Dyes
035-69 Magnetometers, Security Screening Equipment
035-70 Parts, Airplane, Except Engine
035-71 Oxygen Equipment, Aircraft
035-72 Parachutes and Drag Chutes
035-75 Parts (Except Engine), Helicopter
035-76 Power Systems, Aircraft
035-77 Photographs, Aerial
035-78 Ramps and Passenger Transportation Vehicles, Aircraft Boarding
035-79 Recycled Aircraft and Airport Equipment, Accessories and Supplies
035-80 Snow Melters for Runways, Taxiways, Roads and Streets (See Class 765 for other types of Snow Equipment)
035-81 Sweepers, Runway (See 765-77 for Street Sweepers)
035-82 Taxiway and Runway Testing Equipment and Supplies
035-83 Tanks, Fuel, Aircraft, Including Parts and Accessories
035-85 Tools, Airplane
035-90 Tools, Helicopter
035-91 Tow Bars for Moving Aircraft at the Airport
035-92 Wind Tees and Wind Socks, Airport
035-93 Tugs and Tractors for Moving Aircraft at the Airport
035-94 Warning Systems, Aircraft: Emergency, Fire, Escape, Ejection, etc.
035-95 X-Ray Scanner, Passenger Baggage
035-96 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Drones