NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 040

Full Class List > 040: Animals, Birds, Marine Life, Insects and Poultry, Live, including Accessory Items

Code Description
040-01 Amphibia: Frogs, Toads, Salamanders and Other Cold Blooded Vertebrates, Live
040-02 Animal Carriers
040-03 Animal Care Supplies: Collars, Clothing, Leashes, Litter Boxes, etc.
040-04 Animal Training Equipment and Supplies
040-05 Bees
040-07 Birds
040-08 Cages and Shelters, Animal and Marine Life (See Class 495 for Laboratory Type)
040-09 Cats, All Types
040-10 Cattle, Beef, Breeding Stock
040-11 Cattle, Beef, Commercial
040-20 Cattle, Dairy
040-21 Chickens
040-22 Chicks, Meat Type, Baby
040-24 Chicks, Meat Type, Starter
040-26 Cockerels, All Types, Baby
040-28 Cockerels, All Types, Starter
040-30 Dogs, All Types
040-35 Earthworms
040-37 Electronic Identification Systems Used for Inventory and Tracking of Animals
040-40 Fish, Brood and Fingerling
040-42 Fish (Not Otherwise Classified)
040-45 Fish, Tropical
040-48 Fur Bearing Animals (Not Otherwise Classified)
040-50 Goats
040-58 Hibernation Boxes, Butterfly, Ladybug, etc.
040-60 Hogs, Pigs and Swine, Breeding Stock
040-61 Hogs, Pigs and Swine, Commercial
040-70 Horses
040-71 Houses and Cages, Bird
040-72 Insects, (Not Otherwise Classified)
040-75 Marine Life (Not Otherwise Classified)
040-80 Mules and Donkeys
040-82 Pullets
040-83 Pullets, Laying Types, Baby
040-84 Pullets, Laying Types, Starter
040-85 Rabbits
040-86 Recycled Animal, Bird, and Marine Life Accessories and Supplies
040-87 Rodents (See 495-12,13 for Experimental Types)
040-88 Reptiles, Live
040-90 Sheep
040-91 Specialty Items for Shows and Entertainment, Perches, Hoods, Hoops, etc.
040-92 Toys for Pets and Zoo Animals
040-93 Turkeys, Baby
040-94 Turkeys, Starter
040-95 Wildlife and Pet Bands, Labels and Tags, Not Electronic
040-96 Zoo Animals, All Types