NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 052

Full Class List > 052: Art Objects

Code Description
052-02 Antiques
052-08 Ceramic and Glass Objects: Shadow Boxes, Stained Glass, etc.
052-12 Collectibles, Museum Pieces, etc., (Not Otherwise Classified)
052-14 Cut-Outs, Life Size and Oversized, of Animals and Symbols
052-16 Drawings, Originals
052-24 Engravings, Etchings, Linocuts, Lithographs, Scrolls, Serigraphs, and Similar Reproductions
052-32 Fabric Designs: Silk Screen, etc.
052-40 Masks
052-48 Mixed Media
052-50 Murals
052-51 Murals, Clay
052-52 Murals, Glass
052-53 Murals, Photographic: Kiln Fired, Image Sublimation
052-54 Murals: Stone, Tile
052-55 Murals, Wall
052-56 Paintings, Originals: Oil, Acrylic, Water Color, etc.
052-64 Photographs
052-72 Posters and Prints, Not Originals
052-76 Recycled Art Objects
052-80 Sculptures: Marble, Metal, Plastic, etc.
052-88 Wood Carvings and Woodcuts