Items for NIGP Class 071
Full Class List > 071: Automobiles, School Buses, Suvs, and Vans, including Diesel, Gasoline, Electric, Hybrid, and all other Fuel types
Code | Description |
071-02 | All Terrain Amphibious Vehicles, Search and Rescue |
071-03 | Ambulances and Rescue Vehicles (See 072-30 for Fire Protection and Crash Rescue Trucks) |
071-04 | Automobiles |
071-05 | Automobiles, Police and Security Equipped |
071-14 | Bus Chassis, School |
071-15 | Buses Complete, School, Conventional Type, (See Classes 556 thru 559 for Mass Transit Vehicles) |
071-16 | Buses Complete, School (Small Vehicle Type) |
071-17 | Buses and Vans, Inmate Transport (Incl. Special Components) |
071-20 | Electric Personal Assisted Mobility Device (EPAMD) |
071-53 | Motor Scooters and Trucksters, Including All Terrain Types, Golf Carts, etc. |
071-55 | Motor Homes, Including Bookmobiles, Mobile and Field Offices, etc. |
071-56 | Motorcycles |
071-76 | Snowmobiles (See Class 765 for Snow Blowers and Plows) |
071-77 | Specialty Vehicles |
071-80 | SUV Type Vehicles, Including Carryalls |
071-86 | Trams, Touring |
071-90 | Vans, Cargo |
071-91 | Vans, Customized |
071-92 | Vans, Passenger, Regular and Handicapped Equipped |