NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 595

Full Class List > 595: Nursery (Plants) Stock, Equipment, and Supplies

Code Description
595-06 Bamboo, Cane, Rattan, Reed, etc.
595-07 Aquatic Plants
595-10 Bedding Plants and Cuttings
595-15 Bulbs and Seeds, Including Flower Seeds
595-26 Edging, Lawn
595-28 Flowers, Fresh
595-30 Fountains, Statues and Other Decorative Lawn and Garden Items
595-33 Grates, Guards, and Other Protective Devices For Trees and Shrubs
595-35 Groundcovers and Vines
595-37 Horticultural Specialties, Including Ornamental Floriculture Products
595-38 Mulch, Pine Straw
595-40 Nursery, Greenhouse and Floral Supplies: Labels, Planters, Pots, Tags, Trellises, etc.
595-50 Peat Moss
595-52 Perennials
595-55 Plant Foods, Not Fertilizer
595-57 Plants, Non-Flowering
595-58 Plant Shine
595-59 Plants, Herb
595-60 Plant Sprayers and Respirators, Plant Propagation Mats, etc., Including Parts and Accessories
595-61 Plants, Indoor
595-62 Recycled Nursery Equipment, Including Parts and Accessories
595-63 Rocks, Ornamental and Decorative
595-65 Shrubbery, Evergreen
595-66 Shrubbery, Flowering
595-68 Terrariums
595-69 Trays and Pots: Germination and Seeding, Fiber
595-70 Trees, Fruit and Nut
595-75 Trees, Ornamental and Shade
595-77 Tropicals
595-80 Turf Blankets, Seeded, Including Recycled
595-81 Turf Blankets, Non-Seeded, Including Recycled
595-88 Vases, Flower Pots, Pottery, etc.
595-90 Vermiculite and Perlite
595-95 Wood Chips and Bark: Composted, Shredded, etc.