NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 670

Full Class List > 670: Plumbing Equipment, Fixtures, and Supplies

Code Description
670-02 Bathroom Accessories: Fans, Mirrors, Medicine Cabinets, Soap Dishes, Towel Bars and Rings, etc.
670-04 Cathodic Protection Equipment
670-05 Cement and Cleaners, For Plastic Conduit, Fittings, and Pipe
670-06 Compound, Pipe Joint and Tape
670-09 Drains, Grease Traps, etc.
670-10 Dryers, Hand, Electric
670-12 Grout, Pipe and Sewer
670-14 Gas Meters, Indicating and Recording
670-15 Hand Tools (Not Otherwise Classified)
670-16 Hydraulic Fusion Machine for Pipe
670-20 Lead: Flashings, Ingots, Sheets, etc.
670-24 Liquid Heaters, Immersion Type
670-43 Oakum
670-49 Pipe Hangers, Constant Support Type, for Power Plant Operations
670-50 Pipe Hangers, Concrete Inserts, Joint Restraints, etc.
670-51 Pipe and Utility Markers
670-53 Pipeline Equipment and Tools, Construction and Laying of the Pipeline
670-55 Plumbing Fixtures and Parts
670-56 Plumbing Trim: Faucets, Fittings, etc.
670-57 Plumbing Equipment, Accessories and Supplies (Not Otherwise Classified)
670-58 Rubber Goods and Plumbing Specialties: Gaskets, Leathers, Seats, Washers, etc.
670-59 Sealants, Water plug
670-60 Septic Tanks and Cesspools, Other than Concrete
670-61 Sewer Pipe Cleaning Machines, Power Driven; and Parts
670-63 Service Boxes and Parts
670-64 Supplies and Stops
670-65 Sinks, Portable, Self-Contained
670-67 Vacuum Breakers
670-68 Valves, Aluminum
670-69 Valves, Brass, Chrome, Copper
670-70 Valves, Bronze: Angle, Ball, Check, Gate, Globe, etc.
670-71 Valves, Butterfly, All Kinds
670-73 Valves, Flush, All Types; and Parts
670-74 Valves, Drop-Out
670-75 Valves, Iron Body: Angle, Check, Gate, Globe, etc.
670-76 Valves and Valve Parts, Miscellaneous
670-77 Valves, Plastic: Ball, Check, Diaphragm, Globe, etc.
670-80 Valves, Solenoid Control
670-81 Valves, Stainless Steel: Angle, Ball, Check, Gate, Globe, etc.
670-82 Valves, Steel: Angle, Check, Gate, Globe, etc.
670-84 Venturi Tubes, Air and Vacuum
670-86 Water Filtration, Conditioning, and Purification Equipment for the Office and Home
670-87 Water Conservation Kits
670-88 Water Hammer Arrester
670-89 Water Heaters, Residential
670-91 Water Heaters, Commercial
670-92 Water Softening Equipment, Residential
670-93 Water Softening Equipment, Commercial (Also see 890-85)
670-95 Refurbished Plumbing Equipment, Accessories and Supplies