NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 750

Full Class List > 750: Road and Highway Building Materials, Non Asphaltic

Code Description
750-04 Ash, Fly and Bottom
750-07 Borrow and Soil (See Class 790 for Top Soil)
750-14 Caliche
750-21 Cement, Truckload Lots and Larger (See 150-12 for Bagged Cement)
750-28 Concrete Curing Blankets and Paper
750-30 Concrete, Precast
750-32 Concrete Crack Repair Adhesive, Structural Urethane
750-33 Concrete, Repair, Rapid Setting
750-35 Crushed Stone, (Includes Riprap)
750-42 Drilling Mud
750-45 Dust Control Agents
750-49 Dynamite and Supplies: Caps, Fuses, Powder, Stick, and Wire
750-50 Expansion Joint Repair Adhesive, Structural Urethane
750-51 Fabric, Pavement
750-52 Flexible Base
750-54 Ice Control Aggregate (See Class 775 for Salt)
750-56 Lightweight Aggregate, All Types
750-59 Mixers, Mobile, Concrete
750-60 Patching Materials (Not Asphaltic)
750-62 Permanent Metal Deck Forms (PMDF) for Bridge Deck
750-70 Ready-Mix Concrete (See 150-12 for Bagged Concrete)
750-72 Recycled Bulk Concrete and Other Road Materials (See 745-68 for Recycled Asphalt)
750-77 Sand and Gravel
750-84 Shell
750-89 Slag
750-91 Stabilized Base
750-93 Storage Bins, Aggregate
750-95 White (Hydrated) Lime (See 150-12 for Bagged Lime)
750-96 Water for Road and Highway Use