NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 770

Full Class List > 770: Roofing Materials and Supplies

Code Description
770-06 Aggregate, Gravel, Marble and Stone Chips, etc., For Roofs)
770-09 Asphalt, Roofing
770-15 Bolts, Clips, Fasteners, etc., For Sheet Roofing
770-18 Cant Strips, Expansion Joint Fillers
770-20 Caps, Roofing
770-23 Cements and Mastics, Roofing
770-26 Coatings, Roof, All Kinds
770-38 Felt, Roofing, Rolls
770-41 Flashing, Eave Strips, Gravel Guards, Ridge Rolls, Valleys, etc., Metal
770-42 Flashing, Plastic
770-45 Insulation, Roof, All Kinds
770-48 Paper, Roofing
770-53 Primers, Roofing
770-56 Roofing, Aluminum: Corrugated, V-Crimp, etc.
770-59 Roofing, Asbestos-Cement: Corrugated, etc.
770-60 Roofing, Baked Enamel Sheet Steel: Corrugated, V-Crimp, etc.
770-61 Roofing: Coated, Elastomeric, Sprayed Foam, etc.
770-62 Roofing, Composition, Rolls
770-64 Roofing, Concrete Tile (See 135-74 for Clay Roofing Tile)
770-65 Roofing, Galvanized Sheet Metal: Corrugated, V-Crimp, etc.
770-66 Roofing, Malleable Iron
770-68 Roofing, Plastic and Fiberglass: Corrugated, etc.
770-70 Roofing Repair Kits
770-72 Roofing Supplies (Not Otherwise Classified)
770-73 Roofing, Tin
770-74 Shingles, Asbestos
770-77 Shingles, Composition, Asphalt
770-78 Shingles, Fiberglass
770-80 Shingles, Metal
770-82 Shingles, Wood
770-83 Skylights, All Types
770-88 Tar, Roofing, Coal Tar Pitch
770-93 Waterproofing Membrane and Base Sheet
770-96 Recycled Roofing Material and Supplies Including Insulation