NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 801

Full Class List > 801: Signs, Sign Materials, Sign Making Equipment, and Related Supplies

Code Description
801-09 Blanks, Sign, Metal (See 801-71, 89, and 97 for other Sign Blanks)
801-12 Brackets and Holders, Sign
801-20 Letters and Numerals, Sign, Including Logos
801-30 Posts, Standards, Supports, and Expansion Plugs
801-38 Recycled Signs, Equipment, and Supplies, Including Braille Type
801-40 Sign Faces
801-45 Sign Making Equipment Including Computerized Type
801-48 Sign Material, Non-Reflective
801-49 Sign Material, Reflective (See 550-45 for Reflective Sheeting for other than Signs)
801-50 Sign Material, Reflective, Die Cut, (See 550-45 for Reflective Sheeting for other than Signs)
801-53 Sign Painting Machines, Including Automatic
801-54 Sign Painting Supplies, Including Brushes and Inks
801-56 Signs, American Disability Act (ADA)
801-58 Signs: Billboard, Advertising, etc.
801-59 Signs, Braille, Including Markers and Plaques
801-60 Signs: Construction, Including Roll-Up Type Message Signs
801-62 Signs, Door Knob: Meeting in Progress, Do Not Disturb, etc.
801-66 Signs, Electronic Display, Marquee, etc.
801-68 Signs, Exit: LED, Lighted, etc.
801-69 Signs, Fabric
801-71 Signs, Fiberglass, Including Blanks
801-74 Signs, Hospital Bed
801-76 Signs and Posters, Informational, No Smoking, Fire Extinguisher, etc.
801-78 Signs, Janitorial, Wet Floor, Hazardous Spill, etc.
801-81 Signs, Library
801-82 Signs, Magnetic
801-83 Signs, Metal, Not Blanks
801-84 Signs, Message, Computerized
801-85 Signs, Neon
801-86 Signs, Miscellaneous (Not Otherwise Classified)
801-87 Signs, Overhead, Traffic
801-89 Signs, Plastic and Polyethylene, Including Blanks
801-91 Signs, Railroad Crossing, Electric
801-94 Signs, Runway and Taxiway
801-95 Signs, Surge Marker, Metal
801-96 Signs, Traffic, Solar Powered, LED, Flashing, Programmable
801-97 Signs, Wood, Including Blanks