NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 805

Full Class List > 805: Sporting Goods, Athletic Equipment and Athletic Facility Equipment

Code Description
805-05 Aerobic Training Equipment
805-09 Archery Equipment
805-10 Athletic Benches
805-15 Athletic Awards: Medals, Plaques, Trophies, etc., (See Class 080 For Service Type)
805-16 Athletic Facility Storage Equipment, Including Locker Room Equipment
805-17 Athletic Field Markers, Goal Posts, Bases, Goals, etc., Including Athletic Field Striping Machines
805-18 Athletic Field Groomers and Equipment, Artificial Turf
805-21 Badminton Equipment
805-22 Balls, (Not Otherwise Classified): Medicine, Playground, Push, etc., and Inflators
805-23 Bags, Sports Equipment
805-24 Baseball Equipment
805-30 Basketball Equipment, Including Backboards and Backstops
805-34 Bicycles and Tricycles, All Types: Children's, Mountain, Racing, Recumbent, Tandem, Touring, etc. (See 805-05 for Stationary Bikes and 805-57 for Exercise Bikes)
805-35 Bicycle Accessories Including Tires and Tubes
805-36 Billiard and Pool Tables and Supplies
805-37 Bobsled Equipment and Accessories
805-38 Bungee Equipment and Accessories
805-39 Bowling Equipment, Including Lawn Bowling
805-40 Coaching Equipment and Supplies
805-41 Cricket Equipment and Accessories
805-42 Boxing and Wrestling Equipment: Gloves, Platforms, Rings, Striking Bags, Training Bags, etc.
805-43 Climbing and Repelling Equipment
805-44 Equestrian Equipment, Clothing and Supplies, Including Polo
805-45 Fencing Equipment, Sport
805-46 Flip Score Cards
805-47 Flooring, Temporary Portable, Athletic Facility
805-48 Football Equipment
805-50 Jumping and Parachuting Equipment
805-51 Games: Croquet, Dart Boards, Horseshoes, Shuffleboards, Table Tennis, Tetherball, etc. (See 037-84; 208-47; 209-48; and 785-53 for other type games)
805-54 Golfing Equipment
805-57 Gymnasium Apparatus and Equipment: Bicycle Trainers, Climbing Ropes, Exerciser Units, Game Standards, Horizontal, Parallel, and Stall Bars
805-58 LaCrosse Equipment and Accessories
805-59 Hunting Equipment and Accessories, Including Decoys and Blinds, (See Class 680 For Weapons)
805-60 Gymnasium Mats, Covers, Hangers, and Trucks
805-61 Hockey Equipment, Ice and Field
805-62 Physical Education Equipment, Adaptive: Body Alignment Wedges, Mobile Mats, Stimulation Boards, Straddle Seats, Vestibular Boards, etc.
805-63 Scoreboards, Sports
805-64 Skating Rink and Skater Equipment and Accessories, Ice and Roller
805-65 Ski Equipment and Accessories
805-66 Soccer Equipment
805-67 Scooters and Skateboards
805-69 Softball Equipment
805-72 Squash, Handball, Paddle Ball, and Racquet Ball Equipment
805-73 Stadium Lighting Equipment and Light Poles (See Class 285 for Lamps)
805-74 Starting Gates and Other Racing Equipment
805-75 Swimming and Surfing Equipment
805-77 Tables, Score, For Scorer's Use
805-78 Tennis Equipment
805-81 Track and Field Equipment
805-84 Trainer Supplies
805-86 Tubes, Sports Type: Snow and Water
805-87 Trampolines, Beds, Cables, Frame Pads, etc.
805-88 Trap Shooting Equipment
805-89 Umpire, Referee, and Coach Equipment, Clothing and Supplies
805-90 Volleyball Equipment
805-93 Water Polo Equipment and Accessories
805-94 Weight Lifting Equipment and Accessories
805-95 Whirlpools, Saunas, Hot Tubs, Spas, etc.
805-96 Recycled Sporting Goods and Athletic Equipment and Accessories