NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 890

Full Class List > 890: Water Supply, Groundwater, Sewage Treatment, and Related Equipment, Not for Air Conditioning, Steam Boiler, or Laboratory Reagent Water

Code Description
890-01 Air Flotation Systems, Water Treatment Removal of Hydrocarbons
890-02 Activated Carbon Systems, Equipment, and Absorbers
890-03 Back Flow Preventers for Water and Sewer Pipe
890-04 Bar and Trash Screen Equipment, Including Parts and Accessories
890-05 Belt Filter Press, Including Parts and Accessories
890-06 Bioroughing Systems, Including Parts and Accessories
890-07 Centrifuges, Water Treatment
890-08 Chlorination Equipment, Including Parts and Accessories
890-13 Clarifiers and Settlers, Separators
890-15 Complete Water Treatment Systems, Chemical
890-16 Complete Water Treatment Systems, Nonchemical: Ultraviolet Water Supply Sterilization, etc.
890-17 Contaminated Groundwater Treatment Equipment
890-19 Crushers, Grinders, Size Reduction Equipment, etc.
890-20 Demineralizers: Reverse Osmosis, etc.
890-21 Desludging Equipment, Including Parts and Accessories
890-22 Desalination Equipment, Water Treatment
890-23 Elements, Primary, Flow, Pressure, Temperature, etc.
890-24 Filtration Equipment, Water Including Parts and Accessories
890-25 Fluoridation Equipment
890-27 Incinerators, Sludge, Including Part and Accessories
890-28 Instrumentation Equipment, Actuators, Analyzers, Regulators, Controllers, Transducers, etc., Including Parts and Accessories
890-30 Manholes, and Manhole Covers, Frames, Grates, Rings, Yokes, etc.
890-31 Manhole Risers, Steel Expandable
890-35 Metal Finders and Detectors, Pipe Locators, etc.
890-40 Meter Boxes, Meter Vaults, and Valve Boxes (See 210-45 for Concrete Type)
890-44 Meters, Water
890-45 Meter Fittings, Water, Including Parts and Accessories, and Conversion Kits
890-46 Meter Reading Devices
890-47 Mixing and Agitation Equipment
890-48 Oil Skimming Equipment, Including Parts and Accessories
890-49 Ozone and Oxygen Generating Equipment, Including Parts and Accessories
890-50 Rings and Seals, Carbon, Turbine Shafts
890-51 Root Cutting Equipment, Sewer Lines
890-52 Removal Equipment, Water Treatment: Ammonia, Bacterial, Iron, Etc.
890-53 Separation and Treatment Equipment, Oil/Water
890-63 Sewer Analyzing, Monitoring, Probe and Related Equipment
890-64 Sewer Inspection Equipment
890-65 Sewage and Waste Treating Equipment and Supplies
890-66 Sewer Lift Stations, Including Parts and Accessories
890-67 Solvent, Chlorinated Recovery System
890-68 Tags, Water Meter Removal
890-69 Sumps, Parts, and Accessories (See 720-73 for Sump Pumps)
890-70 Switches, Pressure, Flow, Level, Proximity, Temperature, etc.
890-72 Tapping Machines and Equipment
890-74 Transmitters, Pressure, Flow, Level, etc.
890-75 Valve Operators, Including Parts and Accessories and Tools (See 515-82 for Lawn Sprinkler Type)
890-76 Virus and Bacteria Inactivation, Ozone Type Equipment (See 493-05 for Airborne Type)
890-77 Waste Water Reclamation Systems, Including Parts and Accessories
890-78 Water Filters and Filter Elements, Except Boiler, Photographic Darkroom, and Swimming Pool: Cartridges, etc.
890-79 Water and Wastewater Disinfecting Ozonators
890-80 Water Leak Detection System, Including Chemicals, Dyes and Supplies
890-81 Water Main Cleaning Equipment
890-82 Water Screens and Parts, Traveling
890-83 Water Purification Separators
890-84 Water Odor Control Equipment
890-85 Water Softening Equipment, Ion Exchange Type (Also See 670-92,93)
890-86 Water Systems, Ultra Pure
890-87 Water Treatment Equipment (Not Otherwise Classified)
890-89 Well Pointing Systems, Including Parts and Accessories
890-95 Recycled Water Supply, Groundwater and Sewage Treatment Equipment, Including Parts and Accessories