NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 949

Full Class List > 949: Financial Services, Higher Education

Code Description
949-02 Arbitrage
949-03 Assets-Doctoral Fees, University Funded
949-04 Assets-Doctoral Tuition, University Funded
949-05 Assets-Masters Fees, University Funded
949-06 Assets-Masters Tuition, University Funded
949-10 Bad Debt Expense, C and G Private and Other
949-11 Bad Debt Expense, Fees
949-12 Bad Debt Expense, Gift and Pledges
949-13 Bad Debt Expense, Other Sales
949-14 Bad Debt Expense, Professional Fees
949-15 Bad Debt Expense, Tuition
949-18 Defeasance of State Bonds
949-19 Development Fee
949-20 Development Fee Return
949-21 Dormitory Charges for Students
949-25 Financial and Accounting Services, Bonds
949-26 Financial and Accounting Services, Notes and Loans
949-27 Fines and Penalties
949-29 Increase and Decrease in Self Insured Liability
949-30 Inter-Agency Contracts and Transactions
949-31 Interest, Other
949-32 Interest on Other, Notes and Loans
949-33 Interest on State Bonds
949-34 Interest on State Notes and Loans
949-35 Inventory Adjustment, Resale Items
949-36 Investment Fees
949-38 Loan Repayment to Other State Agencies
949-42 Named Recipient Deposit
949-43 Named Recipient Scholarship Expense
949-45 Other Expenses, Local Only
949-46 Other Intangible Assets-Term >$100K
949-48 Penalty on Late Payment to Vendor
949-49 Principal on Other Indebtedness
949-50 Principal on Other Notes and Loans
949-51 Principal on State Bonds
949-52 Principal on State Notes and Loans
949-53 Procard Expense to be Allocated
949-60 Return of Loan Funds, Financial Aid Only
949-61 Royalty Distribution Services
949-65 Scholar Loan
949-66 Scholarship Discounts
949-67 Scholarships, Graduate
949-68 Scholarships, Post Doctoral
949-69 Scholarships, Undergraduate
949-70 Self Insured Program, Authorization Fee
949-71 Self Insured Program, Administrative COBRA
949-72 Self Insured Program, Administrative Fee
949-73 Self Insured Program, Auto Plan
949-74 Self Insured Program, Dental
949-75 Self Insured Program, Disease Management
949-76 Self Insured Program, Medical
949-77 Self Insured Program, Prescription Drug
949-78 Self Insured Property Claims Paid
949-79 Service Charges, Bonds
949-80 Service Charges, Notes and Loans
949-81 Stipends for Sponsored Research, Teacher
949-82 Stop Loss Insurance
949-85 Teacher Tuition and Fees, Federal and Non-Professional
949-86 Teacher Tuition and Fees, Private for Professors
949-87 Travel and Other Part Expense, Teacher
949-88 Tuition and Fee Remissions and Exemptions
949-89 Tuition Rebates
949-90 Unemployment Compensation Claims
949-91 Visa Processing Fees
949-92 Worker's Comp., Employee Mileage, Lodging and Other
949-93 Worker's Comp., Indemnity Claims
949-94 Worker's Comp., Medical Services
949-95 Worker's Comp., Other Contracted Services