NIGP Codes

NIGP Class and Class Item Codes identify the scope(s) of work as defined by the National Institute of Governmental Procurements. This five-digit code establishes and defines the detailed scope(s) of work for the contract. The first three digits of the NIGP code represents the Class or broad category of the work to be performed, and the second two digits of the NIGP code identify a more specific focus of work within the Class category.

Items for NIGP Class 993

Full Class List > 993: Travel, Higher Education

Code Description
993-10 Travel, Business
993-11 Travel, Foreign, Employee
993-12 Travel Agency Fees, Foreign Travel
993-13 Travel Agency Fees, Prospective Employee
993-14 Travel Agency Fees, Students
993-16 Travel, Faculty
993-20 Travel, Professional Development, Employee
993-21 Travel, Prospective State Employee
993-22 Travel, Prospective Students, Local
993-25 Travel, Students, Including Meals
993-30 Travel-In, Actual Expenses Overnight
993-31 Travel-In, Apartments and House Rent Expense
993-35 Travel-In, Incidental Expenses
993-38 Travel-In, Lodging
993-39 Travel-In, Lodging, Overage of Allowed Per Diem
993-40 Travel-In, Meals
993-42 Travel-In, Mileage
993-44 Travel-In, Mileage, Aircraft
993-45 Travel-In, Parking Fees
993-46 Travel-In, Public Transportation, Auto Rental
993-47 Travel-In, Public Transportation, Other
993-48 Travel-In, University and Agency Transportation Fleet Operations
993-49 Travel-In, Travel Agency Fees
993-52 Travel-Out, Actual Expenses, Overnight
993-53 Travel-Out, Apartment and House Rent Expense
993-55 Travel-Out, Incidental Expenses
993-56 Travel-Out, Lodging
993-57 Travel-Out, Lodging, Overage of Allowed Per Diem
993-58 Travel-Out, Meals-Non-Overnight
993-59 Travel-Out, Meals
993-60 Travel-Out, Mileage
993-61 Travel-Out, Mileage, Aircraft
993-64 Travel-Out, Parking Fees
993-66 Travel-Out, Public Transportation
993-67 Travel-Out, Public Transportation, Auto Rental
993-68 Travel-Out, Public Transportation, Other
993-69 Travel-Out, University and Agency Transportation Fleet Operations
993-70 Travel-Out, Travel Agency Fees